Opensea 兴衰沉思录:NFT 市场的毁灭带来了什么?
如果 NFT 市场持续低迷,OpenSea 将无法引领数字收藏品的浪潮,它将面临停滞不前的困境。 作者:Ben Weiss 编译...
韩国区块链周与 Tiger Research 合作,发布韩国 Web3 市场报告
RWA 代币化和娱乐行业将是韩国 Web3 扩张的主要推动力。SK、LG 和 Lotte 等大型企业集团正在提升 Web3 技术的可信度,推动整体市场的增长。 ...
解读 Binance 报告:Web3 离家喻户晓还有多远?
各种分发渠道中扩大 Web3 dApp 的存在将是实现更广泛市场覆盖的关键。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 很长一段时...
Coinbase国际站将上线BB、CFX和NEO永续合约交易对。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 昨日市场动态 Vitalik:没找过...
What is the origin of the Japanese force "Yay!" that can hit 300E in 1 minute and raised 22 million in financing?
无论是 Soneium 的高调宣传还是 Yay! 本次的小小破圈,似乎都代表着日本加密社区努力向外界拓展的意图。 就在市...
dappOS launches intentional assets: asset innovation that takes into account both interest generation and usage
Intention Assets can solve the current problem of "TVL rigidity" in the crypto industry, and make new optimizations and upgrades in terms of asset profitability, usability, and convenience.
Letter from OSL CEO: Integrity first, shaping the future of digital assets
Since its inception, OSL has proactively embraced regulatory compliance before the industry required mandatory regulation. Dear OSL team and partners: When I took office as OSL CEO...
Bill Qian,从京东到Phoenix:阿联酋上市IPO华人先锋
Bill Qian,一个同时具备“比特币”和“中东”两个热门Tag的“创业者”。 撰文:Z Potentials 2023年,最热门的词除了A...
Merkle Trade, the first gamified Perp DEX on Aptos, launches innovative token participation mechanism
Merkle Trade now launches an innovative token participation mechanism that uniquely combines Genesis Staking and Liquidity Guided Auction (LBA). Author: Merkle...
Privacy and transparency from the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov - Moon punk and the dark side of the cycle
As the positive feedback loop between anonymity and surveillance continues to intensify, how to strike a balance between protecting personal privacy and addressing regulatory challenges has become a key issue that needs to be addressed. ...