
HTX DAO 闪耀香港共识大会,孙宇晨领衔共话加密未来

多元活动的举行彰显了HTX DAO在加密领域的领导力,标志着其在区块链和Web3领域的进一步深耕与拓展,更传递了推动行业合规化、可持续发展的坚定承诺。 ...

聚焦流动性命门:代币升级将至的 Pundi AI 搅动 AI Agent 竞争新格局?

多款核心产品将至,2025 或成 Pundi AI 愿景落地关键之年。 小白导航 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 2025 年第一季度...

Web3 行业找工作,应当关注的法律风险

高薪与自由的背后,需要你睁大眼睛去分辨项目的风险。 撰文:牛小静 或许,不少人曾梦想过拥有这样一份工作: ...

Industry security test: self-hosted wallets are the future of Web3

Web3 的未来,不是建立在信任中心化平台之上,而是建立在代码、透明度和用户主权之上。 算法洪流不停,安全事故...

被盗超 14 亿美元,为何 Bybit 三天渡过生死危机?

其透明的危机沟通平息了用户恐慌,行业协作展现了生态系统的韧性,市场的成熟度让投资者保持理性,而 Bybit 自身的财务实力则提供了坚实的缓冲。 ...

香港 Web3 革命:共识 2025 释放的关键趋势与监管政策

本次会议涵盖了创新监管政策、机构资金加速进入市场,以及 AI 与区块链的深度融合。 核心要点 监管更加清晰:...

Don’t wait until you get hacked: A guide to Web3 security

You don't have to suffer the same loss as I did. Author: Ye Su After Bybit was stolen for 1.5 billion US dollars, the reputable Infini was hacked again. I was a few years ago...

Technology stack expansion: Overview of zkTLS principles and potential application scenarios

The biggest benefit of zkTLS is that it reduces the cost of achieving availability of Web2 HTTPS resources. Author: @Web3_Mario Abstract: I have been looking for new projects recently...

Justin Sun talked about how exchanges deal with security crises in a live broadcast, calling on the entire industry to work closely together to build a solid security line of defense

Security is a "top priority project" and we must always be vigilant and learn forever. Recently, a certain exchange was stolen nearly $150 million overnight, and the news caused a heated discussion in the industry...

The “Cregis Galactic Key: Unlocking the Web3 Night Dimension” event concluded successfully, exploring the new future of Web3

Cregis Galactic Key provides a reusable path reference for traditional enterprises to access Web3 with its "seamless integration" methodology and verifiable technical solutions. 20...
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