Should we issue coins first or find market fit first? Timing is more important
除非你的产品真正需要 Token,否则最好在达到产品市场契合度后再考虑发行 Token。 作者:Builders 编译:小白导...
数读链上社交项目:Farcaster 等协议合计日活用户超 25 万,Pods.media 铸造量已超 90 万
OpenSocial、Farcaster、DSCVR 和 Lens 是最常用的四大链上社交协议,合计日活跃用户超过 25 万。 作者:OurNetwo...
加密早报: Fractal Bitcoin 主网已上线,APT、XAI、RENDER 等多个代币本周迎来大额解锁
Tether 投资 1.02 亿美元入股农业巨头,称土地为地缘政治不稳定时期的避风港。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 周末...
MATR1X FIRE Genesis Test: Key Concepts & FAQs
MATR1X 2061持有者将在打金测试前获得创世角色的空投。 Matr1x Fire将在2024年9月迎来首次不删档打金测试 — -创...
How are the well-known Web3 projects based in Hong Kong doing in terms of compliance?
本文将简要盘点在香港严格监管背景下运作的主要加密项。 撰文:曼昆律师 香港作为亚洲的金融中心,其虚拟货币市...
From companion games to the Web3 gaming revolution: a16z leads $30 million investment in a big bet on the future of gaming platform Balance
Balance 推出了基于第二层 ZK Rollup 的游戏链,提供即时交易、可扩展性和零手续费,使用 AI 技术降低游戏开发门槛。 ...
Story Blockchain empowers intellectual property
Story 通过其通用的第 1 层区块链 Story Network、创新的 Proof-of-Creativity 协议以及可编程 IP 许可(PIL),为 IP 的创建、管理和商业化提供了去中心化、...
Invisible Infrastructure Issue 03 | Dialogue with OKX Web3 Team: Compatible with hundreds of chains and allowing users to “use it right away”
ALL in ONE, One Portal, OKX Web3 wallet users will respond to market changes faster. The concept of multi-chain wallet first appeared in 2017, but at that time...
Aptos Chain Report: Daily transaction volume reached 326 million, TVL increased by nearly 300%
Get an in-depth look at Aptos user trends, covering the DeFi and consumer sectors on the chain, and explore emerging protocols being built on the network through data analysis.
Why do we say that Web3 is not far from Mass Adoption?
The popularity of Web3 finance is still a testament to the compliance and PayFi tracks that the traditional financial industry is promoting. Written by: JamesX Why do I say that Web3 is close to MassAdop...