2024 Election: Trump and Harris' Stance on Cryptocurrency
加密货币在 2024 年选举中成为关键因素,特朗普积极支持该行业并吸引大量捐款,而哈里斯和民主党则在追赶,围绕加密货币监管的争斗愈发激烈。 ...
Solana is facing difficulties in its development. Will the offensive and defensive situation between Ethereum and Solana change?
伴随模块化区块链走向成熟,以太坊和 Solana 的攻守之势将发生大变。 撰文:比推 Asher Zhang 近期 Solana 将向 ...
The UK enacts the "Property Act" to recognize digital assets as personal property
拟议的立法将 Crypto 资产、NFT 和碳信用额视为英国法律规定的个人财产。 来源:cryptoslate 编译:区块链骑士 ...
HTX Venture: Exploring the BTCFI Rabbit Hole from the Perspective of Bitcoin Programmability
随着Babylon质押协议等新应用的涌现和Fractal Bitcoin等基于UTXO原生的native scaling方式的上线,BTCFI的市场潜力正在逐步显现。 ...
TON ecosystem is still a hot topic, a detailed explanation of Blum, the telegram applet exchange invested by Binance Labs (with participation tutorial)
Blum 可以让你直接通过电报,来一站式的交易不同类型的货币。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 虽然电报创始人陷入被...
Dialogue with DephiDigital co-founder: Find trends before social media discussions and stay optimistic in boring markets
Anil 深入剖析了 Delphi 独特的研究过程、加密 AI 的未来、如何应对复杂的市场周期。 整理 & 编译:小白导航c...
In-depth analysis of Fractal Bitcoin: How to reshape the Bitcoin ecosystem?
Fractal Bitcoin从第一天起就拥有强大的用户基础。 作者:Joven Wu, Principal at Ryze Labs 摘要 Fractal Bitc...
Popular Science: How do VCs make money by investing in projects?
投资是一门艺术。 作者:Route 2 FI 编译:小白导航coderworld 怎么才能成为一名风投呢?又该如何创建自己的风...
Crypto Evolution Episode 04 | OKX Ventures & Fundamental Labs: The Road to Infrastructure
Cycles and narratives have always been the core topic of the global crypto market. In the past, the industry used Bitcoin halving as a reference to perceive cycles and explore the direction of big narratives. However, after the approval of Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs, the crypto market and the global...
NFT Heist: Lurking for 14 days, 10E copied Black Monkey and made 60 times profit
昔日繁荣的创新痕迹,终成历史的坏账和隐雷。 撰文:Azuma,Odaily 星球日报 北京时间今日凌晨,编号为 #2386 的...