UDC Conference, Upbit Coin Listing Ambush Guide
上币命中率 70%,UDC 大会项目一览。 撰文:Shaofaye123,Foresight News 随着市场的走强,Upbit 上新的财富效应...
The "MEET48 Best7" voting event has officially started, creating a shining stage for idols and newcomers to enter the Web3 world from November 15th to January 14th
在“MEET48 Best7”投票活动结束后,MEET48将发布与TGE相关的信息。 11月15日,MEET48官方宣布,“MEET48 Best7”大...
Aptos: A new generation of high-performance public chain in-depth analysis
Aptos已经用实际行动证明了自己的高效性和可靠性,奠定了其在新一代公链当中的领先地位。 作者:Mark丨Stewart丨M...
Memecoin, the craziest money-making machine or the dumbest bubble?
大批年轻人正在将金融虚无主义转化为一个蓬勃发展的千亿美元市场。 撰文:Nina Bambysheva、Steven Ehrlich,福布...
Polymarket founder is under investigation by the FBI, and the US "donkey-elephant dispute" has spread to cryptocurrencies
随着特朗普政府的上台,加密领域的曙光似乎正在逐渐显现。 撰文:Pzai,Foresight News 据纽约邮报报道,昨日 Po...
The average increase in three days is 98%. Review of AI Meme potential coins
14 涨 2 跌,三天平均上涨 98%,Shoggoth(+417%)、LUM(+334%)和 ai16z(+317%)领涨。 撰文:Karen,Foresigh...
HTX Growth Academy | November Crypto Market Macro Research Report: CPI data is in line with expectations, Bitcoin breaks through $93,000, and an epic bull market cycle begins
加密市场正处于加速发展的历史阶段,未来的前景无疑广阔而充满挑战。 一、引言:加密市场背景与大势判断 2024年1...
AI 叙事当头,Heurist 如何为 Agents 计算需求添砖加瓦?
Heurist 解决了传统中心化云服务的中心化风险、高昂成本和低资源利用率问题,还为 AI 开发者和用户提供了一种新型计算资源利用方式。 ...
How can non-developers quickly get into the industry? From understanding technology to cultivating acumen
这次牛市将吸引更多人才进入区块链领域。 作者:shubit | Echo 编译:小白导航coderworld 对于非开发者来说,进...
The impact of Trump's presidency on cryptocurrencies: Analysis of the growth of US cryptocurrency holders and regulatory trends
特朗普重新当选总统并积极支持加密货币的态度,可能成为美国加密市场发展的关键催化剂,从而对全球加密市场产生深远影响。 ...