Conversation with Frens.Capital Partner: Crypto Manifesto from a Former Web2 Product Manager
产品框架及其促进网络效应的能力对于持续成功至关重要。 撰文:Sunny ,小白导航coderworld 嘉宾:Chris Abiaad...
Multicoin 2024 Outlook: The next exchange will appear in the form of a non-exchange, and cryptocurrency will become a product driver
加密货币的每一次牛市都是由一种新的代币分配方法启动的。 撰文:Multicoin Capital 编译:小白导航coderworld ...
TIA Operation Guide: Stake in the bull market for airdrops, sell when the market is crowded
本文探讨了Celestia及其代币$TIA的最新动态。 撰文:Humble Farmer Army Newsletter 编译:小白导航coderworld ...
Financing Weekly Report: 27 financings raised approximately US$162 million, with AI and DeFi tracks attracting the most attention
1月8日至1月14日期间,5家区块链项目融资超500万美元。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 据 RootData 数据显示,1月8...
Sei is rising rapidly. What catalysts besides parallel EVM are worth paying attention to?
本文从使用案例、采用、项目收入、代币经济学等多个角度对Sei进行了深入的探究。 撰文:Jake Pahor 编译:小白导...
History of the demise of GameStop NFT business: Is it a profitable business for traditional companies to enter NFT?
GameStop在2023年1月至10月底期间,从销售数字资产(指NFT)中获得了280万美元的收入。 撰文:Andrew Hayward 编...
Bankless: Understand the Bitcoin second-layer network Stacks in three minutes
小白导航 PoX 共识机制和即将到来的 Nakamoto 升级在 Stacks 的演进中使其成为比特币前沿的创新者。 撰文...
Some thoughts on Bitcoin L2: Taking the Map protocol as an example
比特币 L2 承载着 OrdFi 和解锁比特币流动性的使命,但如何实现比特币 L2 是加密行业一个的新课题。 撰文:NingNi...
In-depth analysis of Manta Pacific’s skyrocketing TVL
Manta 公链优势及早期收益机会介绍。 撰文:Biteye 核心贡献者 Lucky 编辑:Biteye 核心贡献者 Crush 文章首发...
Analysis of Dymension valuation: expected to open at $2, but below $0.5 may be a better buying point
低于0.5美元的上市价格将是一个很好的抓住机会。 撰文:hitesh.eth 编译:小白导航coderworld 近日Dymension宣...