NAVI Protocol, the first native one-stop liquidity protocol on Sui, completes $2 million in funding to expand its innovative all-in-one lending, borrowing and LSDeFi platform
自2023年7月在Sui主网上线以来,NAVI Protocol的TVL已经超过1.5亿美元,连续几个月在Sui上TVL排名第一。 2024年...
Luna in this bull market? An article explaining the genius design of Berachain
Berachain 将会引领 DeFi 创新, 创造出高流动性和高资本效率的 DeFi 协议。 撰文:鉴叔 一、简介 Berachain 于...
Learn about Farcaster’s new feature Frames in one article: Convert any post into an interactive application. What new ways will encrypted social networking add?
Frames 与 Farcaster 的整合是 2024 年迄今为止加密社交领域发生的最大事件。 撰文:William M. Peaster 编译:...
OKX Chief Innovation Officer Jason Lau: Unlocking the innovation power of OKX Inscription
小白导航 通过OKX Web3钱包这个一站式平台,用户可以无缝体验铭文、上架、购买和出售多个区块链网络上的铭文,且交易费为零。 ...
Financing Weekly Report: 35 financings raised approximately US$166 million, with a large number of projects involving AI narratives
1月22日至1月28日期间,有8家区块链公司融资超过500万美元。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 据 RootData 数据显示,...
Connecting Web2 and Web3: Exploring the history of Attestation and its related projects
本文将介绍 EAS、Smart Layer、EthSign、Verax 和 PADO Labs。 撰文:0XNATALIE、ZHIXIONG PAN Attestation 并不...
Digging deep into social potential and breaking through the wallet track: AScoin breaks down the barriers for users to enter the exchange
AScoin Wallet 已成为一个功能丰富的复合型钱包产品。 撰文:Vicky,Foresight News 作为 Web3 的流量入口,钱包...
Real or fake project parties: Beware of phishing by high-imitation accounts in the comment area
本文将解析知名项目方评论区钓鱼团伙的作案流程。 撰文: 山 & Liz 背景 近期慢雾安全团队陆续收到多起被盗...
Apple, Samsung, Google and other giants are betting on XR. Is it mainstream or another collapse of the metaverse?
凭借对苹果近乎崇拜的追随者,XR 设备的采用率可能会激增。 撰文:Rory Greener 编译:元宇宙之心 苹果 Vision...
Over $3.6 billion of Ethereum is pledged again, the Year of the Doll is coming
再质押仅占信标链总量的约5.2%。 撰文:Noc、West 据 Dune 数据,以太坊信标链质押总量已超 2942 万枚 ETH,占 E...