
2024 Hong Kong Web3 Carnival full agenda first released

届嘉年华采取 1+3+1 的形式,轮番呈现干货满满的精彩演说、金句频出的圆桌讨论、激情澎湃的电竞对决、青春洋溢的舞台表演…… ...

Forbes: Zombie companies with a market value of billions of dollars are roaming the crypto world

Zombie blockchains fall into two main categories: they are either derivatives of earlier blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum, or they are direct competitors to them. Written by: Ste...

The trilemma of airdropping: To acquire customers and retain them at the same time, what is the correct airdrop approach for a project?

停止进行一次性的空投! 撰文:KERMAN KOHLI 编译:小白导航coderworld 最近,Starkware发起了备受期待的空投...

Financing Weekly Report: 48 financings raised approximately US$260 million, with exchanges and GameFi being the most popular

From March 18 to March 24, 13 blockchain projects raised more than $5 million. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld According to RootData data, 3...

Analysis of Nervos Network, UTXO isomorphic BTC L2

本文主要介绍 UTXO 同构的 BTC L2 Nervos Network 的产品特点、生态发展和代币经济模型。 撰文:duoduo、Alfred ...

Chain abstraction: prism in the multi-chain era

模块化 L1 Particle Network 提供了实现链抽象的 SDK 平台。 撰文:0XNATALIE 作为 Crypto/Web3 生态系统的关键...

What kind of butterfly effect will the EU’s latest crypto-asset “open box order” have?

最新加密资产「开盒令」是一个在利弊两端都极为「亮眼」的新规。 小白导航 撰文:肖飒团队 飒姐团队注意到,2024 ...

如何更好地理解 MemeCoins?

MemeCoins的波动性可能对投资组合稳定性构成负面影响。 撰文:MIIX Capital 编译:白话区块链 1、人们如何看...

Starting with Oracles, but More Than Oracles: Chainlink’s Ambition from CCIP

看 Chainlink 如何改革价值 30 万亿美元的全球贸易市场。 撰文:Chianlink Blog 编译:翁浩 当 Maersk 跟踪分析...

AI+Crypto, new track and new opportunities

AI 与加密货币技术的融合为各行各业带来了革新的机会。 撰文:Trustless Labs Summary 结合区块链技术的 AI 应...
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