Bitget Wallet 发布最新路线图:设立 1000 万美元 BWB 生态基金,打造 Bitget Onchain Layer
Bitget Onchain Layer 将作为用户与复杂 Web3 世界更好进行交互的中间层,同时也是 Bitget 整个生态的链上延伸和去中心化未来。 ...
The SocialFi track is turbulent. Which one is better among Friend.tech, Farcaster and Phaver?
Friend.tech 凭借 V2 版本再次引领了市场的热潮,这次可以逃过 SocialFi 旁氏陷阱吗? 撰文:HAMSTER 去年,在 S...
Trump and Biden start the battle of "crypto election"
加密选票,争还是不争? 撰文:陀螺财经 从今年开始,全世界的人们,都在关注美国大选。 一方面,在政治极化...
Ethereum’s Innovator’s Dilemma: Valuation and usage have reached their peak, what will retain new applications next?
除非以太坊在社区和组织运作方式上进行根本性变革,否则其在估值和使用方面的相对优势已达到顶峰。 撰文:JAY 编...
比特币 Layer2 爆发前夜,我们可以从以太坊 L2 上学到什么?
从追捧到证伪,比特币 Layer2 路在何方? 撰文:Web3CN 随着 2023 年 Ordinal 协议的诞生,比特币作为昔日的「数...
A look at the Play-to-Earn Web3 gaming trends in 2024
Web3技术的兴起正在推动游戏行业向赚取收益和创造真实价值的方向转变。 撰文:Ali Asef 编译:白话区块链 随着 ...
How does UXLINK break through the social ceiling of Web3 by “holding both ends in one place”?
UXLINK采用了“执两用中”的叙事脉络和产品构思,具备更强的可延展性和无限天花板。 作者:Yinghao 前言 SevenX...
In-depth insights into Web3 gaming industry trends: Will Web3 gaming have its “iPhone moment” in 2024?
Web3 games are an important part of the Web3 industry and an important catalyst for popularizing Web3. Written by: Jianshu Games have always been regarded as a key to unlocking the Web3 industry...
Bitget Research Institute: BTC ETF's net inflow drives the market up, and the Meme sector has a strong wealth effect
过去 24 小时,市场出现了不少新的热门币种和话题,很可能它们就是下一个造富机会。 摘要 昨日 BTC 带领市场回调...
Financing Weekly Report: 37 financings raised over US$150 million, infrastructure and Bitcoin ecosystem remain popular
From May 6 to May 12, 12 blockchain projects raised more than $5 million. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld According to RootData data, 5...