Web3 wallet Bitget Wallet issues coins, analyzing the value of BWB from multiple dimensions
小白导航 BWB 在 Bitget Wallet 平台上的各种活动中将获得更多赋能和使用场景,在 Bitget Onchain Layer 生态里,BWB 也会是一个金铲子。 ...
0 Cost Awareness Improvement + 0 Airdrop: Academic Labs Second Round of Airdrop Launches, AMA Analyzes AI and Opens a New Era in Education
As a pioneer in deeply integrating cutting-edge technology with education, what innovative actions will Academic Labs take next? As the crypto market is booming,...
Decoding the Korean crypto market: Upbit has the second largest trading volume in the world, and young people are more enthusiastic about crypto than stocks
以数据揭示韩国加密货币社区的发展趋势。 撰文:DeSpread 1. 导言 1.1. 社区的重要性 加密货币项目的社区不...
Arweave: Pay once, save forever
随着区块链技术和去中心化存储需求的不断增长,Arweave 有望在未来成为这一领域的领导者。 撰文:链茶馆 1. 项目...
Notcoin is listed on a major exchange. Will mini DApp be a turning point for Mass Adoption?
除了 Notcoin,还有哪些 mini DApp 值得关注? 撰文:HAMSTER 5 月 16 日,Notcoin (NOT)上线了包括 Binance、...
Dialogue between Bitlayer, CKB and Bool Network (Part 2): Views on BTC Ecosystem Technology Solutions
三位嘉宾畅谈比特币跨链桥、BitVM、闪电网络和 RGB 与 RGB++。 主持人:Jomosis,极客 web3 嘉宾:Kevin He,Co-...
Exploring Rune Layer2 fragmentation solutions: Is there value in Nekoswap practice?
随着市场情绪的回暖和比特币价格的回升,符文生态能否迎来新一轮的增长红利? 撰文:Oliver、Andy、Howe 1 前言 ...
Cryptocurrency Wars: BTC’s Pizza, Crypto Dollar’s Ambition
十四年过去,BTC 价格翻了数亿倍,Pizza 还是那个味道的 Pizza。 撰文:Armonio,AC capital 春来秋往十四载,眨...
A new interpretation of Morph in the L2 siege: How do users and developers share the benefits of ecosystem construction?
Points airdrop + developer-centered ecosystem construction, taking into account both users and use cases, may be the way to end the seesaw between "public chain ghost town" and "fake TVL prosperity". ...
A Deeper Understanding of the Inspiration of Vitalik's Orb Land: Harberger Tax, Shared Ownership, and Antitrust
专家用户可以通过Orb Land生成一种NFT,任何持有该NFT的人都可以向其发行人咨询问题。 作者:@Web3Mario 引言:2...