
The operator of the TG Telegram group was sentenced to prison. How can the Web3 community operate in compliance?

随着各国及地区对于 Web3 的监管政策的逐渐明晰,谁又能知道什么时候 Web3 社区成为下一个开刀对象? 撰文:刘红...

A comprehensive review of the projects and tracks that Ethereum founder Vitalik often "likes"

本文旨在盘点一下 Vitalik 历史上曾「带货」过的项目 / 技术方向的发展与现状,并试图总结背后原因及它们如何影响并塑造了我们如今所看到的以太坊。 ...

The founder of PC giant Dell becomes a Bitcoin "new bull"? He sent out several optimistic tweets and supported BTC payments as early as 10 years ago.

尽管当前戴尔及 Michael Dell 尚未公开大举进军加密领域,但其高调表态也凸显了围绕比特币的主流关注度正越来越高,而其对比特币的公开看好,或许也暗示着已...

Digital Gold vs Global Computer: Bitcoin and Ethereum Spot ETF Comparison

以太坊 ETF 能提供多少上行空间? 撰文:Andrew Kang 编译:J1N,Techub News 比特币现货 ETF 的通过为许多新买...

TON Ecosystem Panorama: Exploring Star Projects and Future Opportunities on the Chain (Part 1)

本文将解析 TON 整体生态的发展和风险。 撰文:WolfDAO 续接第一篇《万字深入解析 TON 链:揭示未来区块链巨头的...

The Japanese version of "MicroStrategy" continued to increase its holdings of BTC and its stock price rose 3.6 times. Metaplanet was once a well-known economy hotel brand.

Metaplanet 在转型投资比特币后,迅速带动市场情绪,公司股价在长时间的低迷后,迎来了两个月内涨幅高达 360% 的强劲增长。这一趋势与 MicroStrategy 投资比...

SharkTeam: Interpretation of the US House of Representatives FIT21 Bill

美国总统拜登宣布,他不会否决该法案,并呼吁国会就「数字资产全面、平衡的监管框架」进行合作。 撰文:SharkTeam...

Opportunity Outlook: An article sorting out the ecological landscape of the huge financing L2 Movement

Movement 是一个给以太坊带来多样化未来的 Layer 2,巨额融资也展现了市场看好 Movement 未来发展的态度。 最近...

Bitget Research Institute: ETH ETF is expected to be approved as early as July, Blast coin airdrop

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...

对话 Seraph COO:新一代 GameFi 项目需兼顾游戏体验与代币经济

玩家对可玩性和互动性的要求越来越高,希望能够真正享受 Web3 游戏带来的乐趣。 作者:ZHIYUAN SUN 编译:小白导...
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