
Delphi Digital: A 10,000-word article outlining the TON gaming ecosystem

This article will take a deep dive into social gaming and take a closer look at the TON ecosystem. Written by Duncan Matthes, Joseph AC Lloyd, compiled by Delphi Digital...

Crypto Casino Olympic MEME

Wherever there is MEME, there is MEME token. Written by: Peng Yong Since the outbreak of DEFI, the cryptocurrency market has undergone tremendous changes and extensions. People...

Insight Data Issue 05 | OKX Web3 & 0xScope: A guide to on-chain data analysis: how can novices take the first step?

本期内容由 OKX Web3 团队与 0xScope 团队共同围绕“如何建立链上数据分析方法论”等话题展开。 摘要:在加密货币市...

Seize the early dividends, a must-read guide for beginners to play with TON ecosystem

Biteye 教大家怎么玩 TON 生态,抓住潜在空投机会。 作者:Biteye 核心贡献者 Viee 编辑:Biteye 核心贡献者 Cru...

"Organic growth point" or "top PUA", what are the advantages and disadvantages of the points incentive model?

本文从多维度视角出发,探讨积分模式的优劣势,并试图找出相对应的解决方案。 撰文:Pzai,Foresight News 在加...

MEV is increasingly prominent on Bitcoin: MEV is spreading to Bitcoin in a more obscure way

通过「狙击」Ordinal 铭文、挖空区块和矿工卡特尔化等形式,比特币上的 MEV 日益凸显。 撰文:George Kaloudis,C...

It is easy to sell all in but difficult to sell. How to become a master at selling?

通过多种渠道,增加你的“运气面积”。 作者:Crypto, Distilled 编译:小白导航coderworld 如何在高点卖出(不靠...

图文攻略|一文看懂 OKX 屯币雪球

“每一种结构化产品,都有其适合的市场行情,如何选择就显得至关重要。” 波动是市场的固有属性,为交易者带来带来...

Ondo Finance 研报:与贝莱德合作,连接传统金融与Web3的RWA协议

Ondo正在通过其去中心化协议改造金融,利用区块链提供机构级产品。 一、项目背景及介绍 BlackRock 的 CEO Larry ...

Where did all the money in the cryptocurrency world go? Interpreting the key events that affect the crypto asset cycle

抛开利空,我们更应关注长期发展趋势。 市场在经历了两个月的痛苦下跌后,在昨日迎来了美国CPI数据的全面降温,...
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