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测试网激励时间比较充足,主网会尽快上线,且撸且珍惜。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 最近风很大的 L2 叙事项目...

The bull market is already halfway through, does the Bitcoin ecosystem still have a chance?

比特币生态项目分析与发展趋势预测。 撰文:Biteye 核心贡献者 Louis Wang 编辑:Biteye 核心贡献者 Crush 比特...

Bitget 研究院:Bitget Launchpool Layer3 开放投入,Solana 生态财富效应持续显著

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...

From the perspective of narrative and valuation, here are 8 tokens that may “fail”

包括 XMR、FLOE、XRP、ADA、AXS、DYDX、WLD、BCH。 撰文:ardizor,加密研究员 编译:Felix,PANews 在购买任何...

Review of 2024 Crypto Financing Situation & Potential Track Expectations

本文将检视 2024 的整体融资情形,再看看一些知名 VC 投资细分板块的趋势。 背景 加密市场于 2022 年走进冰点,2...

CGV Research | More than just mini-games: An in-depth analysis of TON’s “ambitions” in the payment track

With the implementation of more high-quality applications and the conversion of user traffic, TON is expected to occupy a place in the global payment market. Author: Satou In the field of blockchain, TON...

What is the way out for homogenized AI infrastructure?

This study aims to explore which AI fields are most important to developers and which are the next opportunities that may explode in the fields of Web3 and AI. ...

Vitalik's latest speech: Ethereum's next decade

Ethereum's ten-year evolution and outlook for the next decade. Written by: Pzai, Foresight News Today, the Ethereum developer conference EDCON 20 held in Tokyo...

Research on 8 major market hot spots: What impact do they have on recent trading logic?

In the Crypto world, stablecoins are the cornerstone of DeFi. They provide a stable medium of exchange, and users can buy and sell without exchanging back to fiat currency. Written by: WOO ...

Understand the upstream and downstream of the encryption industry and explore the value of downstream front-end applications

价值从通过庞大的付费客户网络实现货币化的下游应用流向中游,最终流向上游参与者。 作者:Richard Yuen 编译:...
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