消费级加密应用创造了新的互动和盈利方式。 作者:0xshakib 编译:小白导航coderworld 定义加密消费者领域是复...
策略实测 01| OKX 与 AICoin 研究院:定投策略
Use the simplest way to help you understand classic strategies. OKX and high-quality data platform AICoin jointly launched a series of classic strategy research, aiming to...
The boring crypto pseudo-bull market calls for ruthless people and heroes
The real warriors and ruthless people dare to face the bleak market and the dripping track. "Boring". This is the recent reaction of many crypto market participants to this round of weekly...
Dialogue with CoreDAO core builders: Bitcoin's super cycle, what does it mean for your portfolio?
未来十年,比特币将继续作为价值储存的工具,且其采用率将增加。 整理 & 编译:小白导航coderworld 嘉宾:...
Barbarians outside the election gate: Crypto whales quietly eroding the US political arena
Fairshake 支持致力于确保美国成为下一代互联网创新者家园的候选人。 如果更广泛的开放区块链经济要在美国充分发挥其潜力,那么为区块链创新者提供在更清晰的...
Trump takes another step to attract crypto users: Bitcoin-themed sneakers sold out, scalpers resell at 5 times the price
最受欢迎的高帮比特币橙色主题运动鞋原价 499 美元,在 3 小时内售罄。 撰文:Weilin,PANews 北京时间 7 月 3...
Arthur Hayes: Why did I develop the Ordinals project Airheads?
我想创作真实的数字艺术,我将其定义为展示一种表达人类创造力的新方式。 撰文:Arthur Hayes,BitMEX 创始人 编...
Interpreting Blackbird: Eat to Earn model enters the catering industry. How can crypto applications make profits in real business?
餐厅体验的质量,因此其盈利能力,取决于其商业模式。 作者:Not Boring by Packy McCormick 编译:小白导航code...
SocialFi 2.0: Turning Mistakes into Successes, Attention is the New Financial Asset
如果人们不喜欢你的内容,那就是内容本身不够吸引。 作者:Simon & Gregor 编译:小白导航coderworld Clu...
相似的历史,SOL 是否又处在了突破的关键点?生态造富神话背后你需要了解这些
SEC不再追究定义SOL为证券的新闻增加了我们对Solana ETF顺利上市的期望,也让我们更加看好Solana未来的长期上涨潜力。 ...