
Exclusive interview with Gitcoin co-founder: Public goods are a worthy goal, but not all Web3 projects are suitable

Not all Web3 projects are public goods. coderworld: Sunny Gitcoin: Scott Moore "The more open and accessible something is, the more...

Layer2 竞争白热化,Arbitrum 如何持续突围?

Layer2 赛道未来将如何改变? 作者 | 白话区块链 今年,以太坊 L2 迎来了爆发增长,如同之前的公链爆发,大量项...

Synthetix founder: Re-examining Synthetix multi-chain vision and liquidity sharing

This article will focus on the SNX token and its role in the ecosystem. Written by: Kain.eth Compiled by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld With the Synthetix...

斯坦福区块链周: ZK 、模块化与比特币生态发展趋势总结

ZKP 生态系统正在逐渐专业化,不同的公司专注于 ZK 流程的特定部分。 撰写:PAUL VERADITTAKIT 编译:小白导航 c...
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