The Eastern Solution to the Crypto Regulatory Puzzle: Binance, Geo-Compliance, and the World of Tomorrow
在区块链领域,合规和抗审查是两个重要且具有挑战性的议题。 作者:Uncommons 一、聚光灯下的监管:币安事件背后...
Crypto AI Agents: First-Class Citizens of the On-Chain Economy
AI 代理正在崛起成为加密经济中不可忽视的力量。 撰文:Mason Nystrom,Variant Fund 投资合伙人 编译:Luffy,F...
IOSG founder's annual summary: The bull market has begun to return, and Ethereum is too big to fail
比特币减半等诸多因素叠加出现,生态繁荣是偶然中的必然。 撰文:Jocy,IOSG创始人 1. 有效监管带来的规模效应增...
比特币安全预算的减少导致矿工数量减少,从而减少了保护网络的哈希算力,使得对链发起攻击在经济上更可行。 撰文:...
已成功的公司常常未能适应范式转变,特别是在技术创新方面。 撰写: JAY 编译:小白导航 coderworld 以太坊的未...
牛市评估项目 3 大要素分析:技术创新力、代币铸造机会与叙事水平
关键标准有助于评估加密项目的潜力以及其吸引和维持专注社区的能力。 撰文: Ignas 编译: 小白导航 coderworld ...
The inscription craze gave birth to the BTC L2 narrative. What other projects have not yet been discovered?
本文将深入挖掘比特币L2生态,提供另外两个相对而言不常被提起的项目:Tectum 和 BEVM。 撰写:小白导航 coderwor...
A brief analysis of EigenLayer's reshaping of the re-staking model and its benefits
EigenLayer 如何通过其创新的「再质押」,改变了网络安全的范式,并为验证器和投资者带来新的收益机会? 撰文:Si...
Why is it said that the surge in handling fees will accelerate the implementation of Bitcoin’s second-layer solution?
The surge in Bitcoin transaction fees is a reflection of the growth of network users, demonstrating not only the expansion of Bitcoin's functionality but also the challenges of network congestion and rising transaction costs. ...
What to watch for in the next bull market: privacy public chain narratives and potential projects
Web3 究竟有没有隐私的应用场景? 撰文:Biteye 核心贡献者 Fishery Isla 编辑:Biteye 核心贡献者 Crush 对于...