

性能落后,确实会错失很多用例场景,但运行卡顿甚至宕机,则会失去一切。 作者:Terry,白话区块链 随着铭文热从...

Comparison of popular L1 performance: In addition to Solana, which ecosystems still have room for growth?

Is the current outperformance of prices related to improving fundamentals, or is it just a recurring pattern seen in the last market cycle? By THOR HARTVIGSEN...

FOCG: Starting a decentralized revolution in the gaming world

Compared with traditional games, full-chain games can achieve higher openness, decentralization and durability. Author: dt, DODOResearch Full-chain games have always been the original...

Who caused ORDI's "roller coaster" market? It turns out that the chips are in the hands of the exchange

本文将带你揭秘 ORDI 出现「过山车」行情的两大原因,及其后续的市场情况分析。 撰文:Metaer,Meta Era 特邀作者...

解读 Vitalik 博客文章:探索让以太坊内置 ZK-EVM 的可能

以太坊或许之后不只是将ZK-EVM作为一个附加组件来看待。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 昨天,Vitalik 在他的博客中...

Dialogue with Web3's Excellent Security Service Provider: The "Battle of Attack and Defense" of Cloud Security

As we approach the end of 2023, the bull market signals are becoming clearer, the number of Web3 projects deploying cloud servers will increase rapidly, and the role of cloud as the infrastructure layer will become increasingly important. ...

Interpreting Morph: Can it break out from the L2 homogeneous competition by focusing on the integration of consumer scenarios and technology?

本文旨在以技术创新点、生态建设着力点、未来发展规划等角度为出发点,走进 Morph 以及项目所处 Layer 2 赛道的机遇与挑战。 ...

Vitalik 最新文章:探讨 ZK-EVM 的未来与挑战

ZK-EVM旨在减少 L2 项目对以太坊协议功能的重复实现,并提高其在验证以太坊区块时的效率。 撰文:Vitalik Buterin...

New York Fed President: How does the onion theory of U.S. inflation guide future policy?

本文为纽联储行长 John C. Williams 在纽约联邦储备银行与布雷顿森林委员会合办的「探讨中央银行创新」研讨会上的发言稿。 ...

Bitcoin L2 becomes the focus of the narrative, what other projects on Stacks are worth paying attention to?

本文调研了 Stacks 上当前的热门项目,为大家的投研和判断提供最新的信息参考。 当下加密货币处于牛市,在围绕比...
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