
How do Ripple, Stellar, and Chainlink solve cross-border payment problems?

支付的未来正在向混合模型发展,将现有的支付系统与数字货币相结合是实现金融全面去中心化的下一步。 撰写:HERCU...

Friend.Tech Game Theory – WAGMI or Ponzi Scheme?

这可能是一个很好的投资(如果你玩得对),但除了对 Keys 和空投的投机之外,你也可能真正从中获得许多价值。 撰...

Dialogue with Kaito CEO: Building the Ultimate GPT for Web3

In the era of data analysis, the opportunities brought by Web3 will completely change the economic logic of technology companies monopolizing data. Xiaobai Navigation: Sunny Kaito: Yu Hu “...

The Open Network: Backed by Telegram, exploring the interconnection between Web2 and Web3

从Telegram到TON,去中心化网络的起航。 作者:Jaden, LDCapital 8 月 14 日是 Telegram 10 周年纪念日,创始...

Between the two TOKEN 2049s, Justin Sun and TRON’s layout and ambitions

stUSDT 只是波场TRON在RWA赛道上的一个开端,未来还将推出更多的 RWA 代币化产品和服务。 2022 年在新加坡举办的 ...

Token 2049 Conference Highlights: Bear Market is a Good Time to Launch Crypto Projects

CZ:加密货币不需要100%的普及。 作者|链得得 为期两天的“新加坡Token2049大会”于2023年9月13日正式拉开帷幕。在...

The strongest encryption declaration in history: no permission, declare war on traditional financial rules

Permissionless is one of the words that best captures the essence of our industry. Compiled by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld When Asia's Token204...

HTX, Huobi warms up for the next decade

Now, at the beginning of another decade, Huobi HTX is warming up for the next decade with a brand upgrade. From its inception in 2013 to becoming the largest Chinese market share in 2017...

Liquid Restaked Token (LRT):新庞氏代币经济学剧本

流动再质押代币正在为 DeFi 打开新的篇章。 撰写:IGNAS | DEFI RESEARCH 编译:小白导航 coderworld 上月,我...

A brief analysis of the top 10 Web3 applications that are still making money in the bear market

What are the top ten most profitable protocols in the DeFi field? Author | HuoHuo After experiencing high prices in 2021, the crypto field has...
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