Bitcoin ecological DApp inventory: DeFi, NFT, infrastructure and wallets are booming
越来越多的项目试图在比特币 Layer1 上构建,本文汇总了当前比特币生态系统中最新的项目。 撰文:Web3CN 与以太...
A quick look at the advantages and development status of 5 new Layer 2 projects
Base、Blast、opBNB、Linea、Scroll 等新晋 Layer2 选手们目前发展如何? 撰文:Day,白话区块链 从发布到突破 6...
How does Wormhole help Pyth Network become the top first-hand oracle network?
本文将探讨 Pyth Network 的核心功能和其在 DeFi 中的作用,同时着重分析 Wormhole 如何通过高效的跨链技术。 D...
OKX Web3 wallet brings Lido and others to start the DeFi interest rate hike season, providing higher APR
简化用户链上ETH及其流动性衍生品质押操作体验,增加收益场景 随着以太坊从PoW转向PoS,ETH质押规模不断上涨。据O...
Huobi HTX debuts NFT Taipei: exploring new trends in the digital economy
数字时代就如同火星移民一样,是加密世界所能引领的趋势。 12月1日,火币HTX全球顾问委员会成员、波场TRON创始...
xPet: A new social game that merges DeFi with electronic pets and is completely parasitic on Twitter
xPet.Tech:将DeFi与电子宠物融合的社交游戏新趋势。 撰写:小白导航 coderworld 目前的Social赛道,掀起了一阵...
Combining Crypto with AI, which projects will help break down AI monopoly barriers?
人工智能与区块链的融合显然将在塑造各行各业方面发挥至关重要的作用。 撰文:Reflexivity Research 编译:小白...
Chainflip—a new competitor in the native cross-chain exchange market
“In order for DeFi to be adopted on a larger scale, liquidity must be unified rather than more fragmented. Decentralized cross-chain liquidity networks represented by Chainflip will promote the unification of DeFi liquidity.” ...
Crypto Adoption from a Global Perspective: Hype in Developed Regions and Financial Firefighters in Emerging Markets
Explore the role of Crypto from the perspective of payment finance, and explore how the adoption of Crypto affects local life. Written by: @ivyfanshao Crypto in different places...
Connecting with the real world: Exploring the native DePIN project on Solana
一些老牌的 DePin 项目也纷纷向 Solana 靠拢。 撰写:小白导航 coderworld DePIN, 去中心化物理基础设施网络,...