从基建到应用,详解 LeverFi 的 BTC 生态布局
LeverFi 在比特币生态上的布局特点也十分明显:技术和资产发行两头发力,撬动不同对象的流动性和注意力。 撰文:...
The logic of the Bitcoin bull market has quietly changed, and many people still can’t make money
本轮牛还在不在,关键还得看接下去影响本轮牛市的外因和内因。 撰文:木沐 今年又是加密市场四年一轮回的大周期...
With a profit of $4.5 billion in the first quarter, Tether enters into Bitcoin mining, AI and education
Tether 的稳定币 USDT 市值飙升至 1110 亿美元,是其最接近的竞争对手 Circle 发行的 USDC 的三倍 撰文:Nina Bam...
谁在购买并被炒作?是你。 小白导航 撰文:Duo Nine⚡YCC 编译:小白导航coderworld 我意外成为了一名KOL,这是一...
Multicoin Capital: Why did we invest in Arch, a Bitcoin native application platform?
Arch 是一个去中心化执行层,专注于增强比特币的可编程性,网络目前处于测试阶段,预计将在几周内上线主网。 撰文...
Bitget Research Institute: Mainstream currencies are weak, Celsius continues to rise due to token destruction
In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...
Paradigm: Detailed explanation of Ethereum's historical growth problems and solutions
EIP-4444 can solve Ethereum's historical growth problem and leave room for an increase in the Gas limit. Written by: Storm Slivkoff, Georgios Konstantop...
Fansland Web3 Music Festival concluded successfully, ushering in a new era of Web3 fan economy
In the future, Fansland will continue to promote innovative practices of Web3 and AI in the field of fan economy, so that more fans and idols can share the dividends brought by Web3. Bangkok...
深入 Saga:专为游戏行业量身定制的模块化 Layer1 平台
在不到两年的时间里,Saga成功吸引了350个项目,其中80%专注于游戏行业。 撰文:Greythorn 项目名称:Saga 项...
「新 Luna」,Berachain 如何带动新一轮 DeFi 热潮?
围绕 Berachain 的整个飞轮将继续运转。 撰文:hitesh.eth 编译:Luccy,BlockBeats 编者按: Berachain 是一...