Layer2 竞争白热化,Arbitrum 如何持续突围?
Layer2 赛道未来将如何改变? 作者 | 白话区块链 今年,以太坊 L2 迎来了爆发增长,如同之前的公链爆发,大量项...
Bitget Wallet CEO: We are not an empty "Web3 portal"
"Faster transactions, better assets", Bitget Wallet is committed to becoming the most user-friendly Web3 trading wallet. At the beginning of the year, the Bitget trading platform turned to Web3...
ERC-4337 use cases: 18 projects funded by the Ethereum Foundation
The passionate and talented individuals driving these projects are at the heart of this funding round’s success, demonstrating a deep understanding of the Ethereum ethos and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible. …
斯坦福区块链周: ZK 、模块化与比特币生态发展趋势总结
ZKP 生态系统正在逐渐专业化,不同的公司专注于 ZK 流程的特定部分。 撰写:PAUL VERADITTAKIT 编译:小白导航 c...