

比特币鲸鱼地址在 7 月 5 日币价回撤至 54,200 美元时,增持了 7.1 万枚比特币,价值约合 43 亿美元。 撰文:1912...


知行合一,你相信什么,你就要去坚持它,只要反复的坚持,结果才会显现出来。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 2024...

孙宇晨被质疑挪用 4.6 亿 stUSDT?不过是一场误会

坚持坦诚、公开、透明,耐心化解误会,自然无须惧怕FUD。 北京时间7月12日凌晨,链上数据分析平台CryptoQuant的创...

美国 FDIC 主席:银行应当为 Crypto 行业提供服务

‍如果联邦存款保险公司坚持 Romero 的立场,这将标志着政策的重大逆转。 来源:beincrypto 编译:区块链骑士 在...


特朗普的胜利对加密货币是利好的,但这不会持续太久。 作者:DUO NINE⚡YCC 编译:小白导航coderworld 特朗普小...


枪声响起,转折开启。 撰文:Aiying 几声枪响,几近宣告美国总统选举的悬念终结了。这是政治暴力的时刻,也是一...

市场押注“Trump Trade”,美国大选将如何影响资产价格?

大选本身不能作为交易看涨的理由。 作者:Lisa,LD Capital 一、大选概况 北京时间6月28日拜登和特朗普进行了...

A guide for crypto professionals to travel safely abroad: Keep a low profile and take good care of your security

A must-read for high-net-worth crypto bros. Why are there more and more robberies targeting and exploiting Web3? Just this week at the Brussels Ethereum meetup in Belgium @Eth...

CoinGecko survey: Despite recent market turmoil, 49% people are still optimistic about Crypto

‍Positive and negative market sentiments are almost equally divided. Source: bitcoinist Compiled by: Blockchain Knight Crypto The asset market has been in an endless cycle...

Is there still hope for overturning SAB 121? Biden's crypto policy stance may continue to loosen under pressure

The U.S. House of Representatives failed to block Biden's veto of SAB 121. Written by Weilin, PANews On July 12, members of the U.S. House of Representatives supported cryptocurrency accounting firms...
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