Dialogue with Token2049 founder Alex: People like to see overnight success, but underestimate the difficulties behind it
我要人们都看到我,但不知道我是谁。 采访:Sunny 编辑:Min & Sunny 前言 “他给你起了名字。你一定很...
Meet SBF: The Downfall of the Crypto King
Crypto 就像是伊甸园的蛇,引诱人犯下原罪,而 FTX不过是罪恶露出海面的一角冰山。 撰文: 郝方舟 FTX,曾经的加...
From Verifiable AI to Composable AI: Reflections on ZKML Application Scenarios
AI applications cannot put all calculations on the chain, so zk or optimistic proofs are used to allow AI services to access the public chain system in a more trustless way. Written by: Tu...
2023 Sui Builder House global tour concluded successfully
复杂性是大规模应用的克星,最终的杀手级dApp需要具备可访问性。 撰文:Sui中文小助手 2023年的最后一场Builder ...
How to scientifically conduct User Acquisition in Web3?
If you want to acquire users so accurately, you need to have a deep understanding of them. Author: Simon, IOSG Ventures Topic of discussion Why is buying traffic important for W...
Token Design Rating: Key to Measuring the Value of DeFi Protocols
哪些代币设计得当?哪些代币还需改进? 撰写:Nate | eatsleepcrypto.eth 编译:小白导航 coderworld 最近我一...
A sociological experiment on money and global citizenship
Sam Altman and Elon Musk both want to do the same thing, namely identity + payment, but they have different paths to achieve it. Written by: CloudY, Jam This article is based on Zuzal...
a16z: Scientific governance measures for "Machiavellian DAO"
Web3 应通过去中心化战胜 Web2,通过激励竞争、赋予对手权力以及利用非令牌投票,DAO 可以帮助加速这一循环。 撰...
Understanding the bottlenecks and optimization methods of Rollup from the performance differences between opBNB and Ethereum L2
本文简要概括了 opBNB 的工作原理与其商业意义,梳理了 BSC 公链在模块化区块链时代迈出的重要一步。 撰文:Faust...
Exploring the market phenomena in the primary market in the past two months: derivatives, TON, games and ZK
RWA,Web2.5游戏的不断尝试,Defi与NFT的持续进化,AI+Crypto的崭新摸索…未来总能跑出来几个真正有用的场景。 这...