
Written on Bitget’s fifth anniversary - In every era, there are always people who look up at the stars

The birth of Bitget stems from a unique belief - to be the 10% stickler after the tide recedes. Today, we celebrate the fifth anniversary of the company, which is a glorious time for our joint efforts...

LayerZero's future path of cross-chain innovation and star projects

Multi-chain is the development trend of blockchain. The cross-chain interoperability protocol is a key component of inter-blockchain communication, and its development prospects are quite broad. Written by Jill, LD Capita...

From Dali to Chiang Mai, HackerHouse Travels of a World Nomad

It is precisely in leisure and entertainment that there are things that shine brighter than work itself - the seeds of innovation are buried here. Written by: Demian Originated from HackerHouse 202...

CFTC enforces three DeFi protocols, sounding the alarm for all derivatives trading platforms

The CFTC may be a more formidable regulator than the SEC, and it may aim its regulatory guns directly at DeFi. On September 7, 2023, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) issued a statement saying that it would...

Bitget Research Weekly News: ARK applies for Ethereum spot ETF, Bot's new star project Banana Gun is about to issue tokens

Focus on the chain data and review the weekly news. In the past week (09.04-09.08), many new hot currencies and topics appeared in the market. 1. Market FocusMarke...

Retweeted by Stephen Chow! Moonbox releases brand logo to interact with OKX, or rumors of cooperation may be confirmed

With the active exploration of Web3 technology companies such as Moonbox and OKX, AI and blockchain technologies will inject new vitality into industries such as entertainment and sports, bringing new application scenarios and experiences to users. ...

Bumper: A protocol focused on price protection and DeFi risk management

Bumper represents a compelling value proposition and a paradigm shift in DeFi risk management. Written by: Ryan Allis Compiled by: Xiaobai Navigation coderworl...

Vitalik Buterin's speech at Nanyang Technological University: "The Past and Present of Ethereum"

Starting from the birth of Ethereum, from the vision and implementation of "smart contracts" to the transformation of Ethereum's "consensus mechanism", these milestones destined to be recorded in the history of blockchain were narrated by Vitalik. ...

What kind of new thing is "e/acc" that Silicon Valley big guys are chasing?

To some extent, "effective acceleration" is a technological utopian concept. Written by: Juny If you follow the Silicon Valley technology circle, you may have heard of it from time to time recently...

RWA New Path: KUMA's Bond NFT and Stablecoin Hybrid Experiment

Improving liquidity on the chain and improving security and efficiency off the chain are the only way to build the next RWA New York Stock Exchange. On September 7, 2023, the stablecoin issuer Ci...
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