BTC experienced its largest single-day drop since the FTX crash. Has the time to buy the dip arrived or will the downward trend continue?
比特币现货 ETF 净流入转负,IV 高企预示大波动在即,投资者需谨慎使用杠杆抄底。 撰文:南枳,Odaily 星球日报 ...
Why should you pay attention to the Base chain and its ecosystem MEME?
Gas大幅度降低;AA钱包带来丝滑体验;交易和用户数据快速上涨;具备加密原生MEME文化…… 撰文:jiucaidog,小白导...
Canadian Immigration Crypto Tax Trap: Cryptocurrencies May Be Subject to Departure Tax, How to Avoid It
本文讨论了加拿大移民的加密货币在什么情况下有资格获得离境税豁免。 撰文:David Rotfleisch 编译:TaxDAO 1 ...
A quick look at the first Bitcoin side protocol, Side Protocol, a modular settlement layer that works closely with leading projects such as Babylon and Espresso
比特币减半来临,SIDE 起飞密码? 区块链技术的未来似乎不可避免地是模块化的。以太坊Dencun升级后,以太坊将采...
AI "Data Staking": Masa Network launches a new model of Train AI to Earn
Masa 旨在借助新颖的 AI 定价模式,将数十亿用户带入 AI 数据经济的大潮之中。 撰文:Masa 编译:派蒙,Foresigh...
Bitget Research Institute: The crypto market continues to pull back, and leading projects in each sector have opportunities for phased catch-up growth
In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...
How do Bitcoin "Ten Thousand Coin Lords" keep their Bitcoins?
最富有的比特币地址的所有者对于保护比特币的最佳方法并没有达成共识。小白导航 撰文:Unchained 编译:Luffy,F...
Sam Altman’s Latest Interview: Boards of Directors, Musk Lawsuits, GPT-5, Sora, AGI, $7 Trillion…
3.2 万字实录 Sam Altman 最新专访。 整理:有新 今日凌晨, Lex Fridman 更新了与 OpenAI CEO Sam Altman 的第...
Why is the Ethereum Cancun upgrade beneficial to high-performance L1 such as Solana?
在与高性能 L1 的应用层市场竞争中 以太坊 Rollup L2 目前落于下风。 撰文:NingNing 以太坊坎昆升级之后,二级...
Opinion: What matters in crypto venture capital is getting ahead of the narrative
加密货币市场注重项目关注度而非现金流,最佳投资策略是预测未来一到三个季度可能热门的话题领域,而不是传统定义下的“反向投资”停滞项目。 ...