Deutsche Bank: Only 1% of consumers still believe Bitcoin will "die"
BTC 与 Crypto 资产地位上升,被视为金融体系不可或缺部分。 来源:cryptoslate 编译:区块链骑士 据路透社 4 ...
Religion as a framework for blockchain
BTC 是数字黄金,ETH 是世界计算机。 撰文:PAUL VERADITTAKIT 编译:Block unicorn 如今的区块链已经接近「足...
As the bull market is replenishing its "ammunition", the two major stablecoins have issued an additional $10 billion in 30 days
稳定币活动表明多头正在为反弹做好准备。 撰文:Mary Liu,比推 BitpushNews 随着减半临近,比特币本周开局强劲...
Taking over the MEME heat, here are the top ten most popular NFTs in the Base ecosystem
本文盘点了 Base 上 10 个市场热度较高的 NFT 项目。 撰文:Nancy,PANews Base 上的 MEME 热潮正蔓延至 NFT 生...
Bankless: Is Chinese capital pouring into Bitcoin?
比特币作为经济崩溃的逃生口,吸引中国投资者。 撰文:Jack I小白导航nabinet 编译:Kate, 火星财经 中国投资者...
There are so many amazing projects coming out. What is the origin of Solana’s largest meme launch platform Pump.fun?
Pump.fun以超低成本发币和高度自动化的特点赢得了大众的关注,没有团队分配,最大限度做到了公平。 撰文:Frost、...
Bitcoin's popular second layer inventory (Part 1): Sidechain and UTXO+ client verification
比特币 Layer2 哪家强? 撰文:Day 去年因为铭文的热度,导致大家都开始将注意力从以太坊转移到了比特币,尤其是...
Ethereum is pushing the limits of cryptography
所有的区块链,都根植于密码学之上。 撰文:0x_Todd 今天 Vitalik 低调亮相万向 Hasheky 香港峰会,V 神发言是真...
Galaxy: Exploring the evolution cycle and development trend of DeSoc applications
本文深入探讨了推动 DeSoc 应用程序采用的叙事和增长策略,尤其是 Farcaster 的采用。 撰文:Gabe Parker 编译:...
Summary of short essays on Hong Kong Web3 Week
The cryptocurrency circle is just a makeshift team, and it's all a scam. Compiled by Gyro Finance April 9th is the last day of the Hong Kong Web3 Carnival, which also marks the end of the Hong Kong blockchain...