Galaxy Digital: Crypto holders will become a backbone force in the US election
Crypto 选民在美大选中的作用凸显,政策走向或影响数字资产市场。 来源:Decrypt 编译:区块链骑士 根据 Crypt...
The “TON Season” is about to begin, detailing the core functions and potential opportunities of its ecosystem
Thanks to Telegram's large user base, TON is in a good position to accelerate adoption and encourage the creation of new decentralized applications. Written by: 0xGreythorn ...
MEME is a double-edged sword. Community participation and hype are at the core of their success.
尽管存在潜在的陷阱,模因币继续吸引那些在加密社区寻找高风险、高回报机会的人。 撰文:Greythorn OPENING RE...
Is re-staking the rookie Karak a vampire attack on Eigenlayer?
Karak Network 挑战主导地位,以多资产支持和独特技术特点引领再质押赛道。 撰文:Biteye 核心贡献者 Viee 编辑...
Quickly understand the hot meme coin PUPS on Bitcoin
$PUPS 上周上涨超过了 1,000%。 撰文:MONK 编译:小白导航coderworld 本文主要介绍最近非常火的比特币Meme币$P...
HTX Ventures strategically invests in COREx to support BTCFi and the next generation of DEX experience
HTX Ventures是火币HTX的全球投资部门,整合投资、孵化和研究以识别全球最优秀和最有前景的团队。 为了增强Web3 ...
Why hasn’t there been a hit blockchain game in this bull market?
会有新的爆款 WEB3 游戏出现的,大家请耐心等待。 撰文:瓜哥,W Labs 在 2024 香港 WEB3 嘉年华呆了快一周,...
IPOR’s new progress: IPOR Fusion, becoming the credit engine of DeFi
IPOR Fusion是一个元DeFi信用市场引擎,可将流动性转化为纯粹的动力。 撰文:Darren Camas 编译:小白导航coderw...
The platform currency LBP is coming soon. Learn about the history and data of the LBP launch platform Fjord Foundry in one article
我们需要公小白导航平的发射,更好的、精心策划的发射。 撰文:hitesh.eth 编译:小白导航coderworld LBP 的公...
1intro LBP 翻车,KOL 喊单不灵了?
很显然,1intro 正遭受着一场充满负面信息的口诛笔伐。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 4月14日晚上,号称 Solana 上...