The benefits of taking advantage of the system are getting more and more competitive. Is the points mechanism still effective?
市场形势似乎比积分计划本身更具有重要意义。 撰文:Three sigma 编译:小白导航coderworld 这篇文章提供了我们...
This article reviews two recent airdrop projects worth paying attention to: Hyperlane and Pontem
Pontem 现已确认空投活动,相关的空投登记页面已经上线。 撰文:Insightful 编译:小白导航coderworld 本文介绍...
Huobi HTX Debuts at Blockchain Life 2024 in Dubai: Promoting Widespread Application of Cryptocurrency
在本次峰会中,火币HTX以其专业、创新的形象吸引了众多与会者的关注。 4月15-17日,火币HTX独家赞助于迪拜举办...
Bitget Research Institute: BTC briefly fell below 60,000 and then quickly recovered, Merlin was launched on Bitget Launchpool
过去 24 小时,市场出现了不少新的热门币种和话题,很可能它们就是下一个造富机会。 小白导航 摘要 昨日比特币短...
Two major game IPs were acquired, and Yuga Labs will focus on NFT construction behind the product reduction
Yuga Labs 为何会选择剥离部分游戏产品? 撰文:Nancy,PANews 4 月 18 日,游戏工作室 Faraway 宣布收购 Yuga L...
专访 Renzo 创始人:我们相信一切都会回到以太坊
几个月发不出工资的 Renzo,凭什么拿到 Binance Labs 投资? 采访:Peng SUN、Kean,Foresight News 「下一个周...
Analysis of BlackRock’s tokenized fund BUIDL, opening up a brave new world of DeFi for RWA assets
「金融资产代币化将是接下来的趋势,这意味着每一只股票、债券都将被记录在一个总账本上。」 撰文:Will 阿望 自...
Technical Analysis by Artela: Why is “Parallel EVM” a battle for the survival of the Ethereum EVM ecosystem?
「并行 EVM」是 EVM 链迎击高性能 layer1 链的最后一博,事关以太坊 EVM 生态的存续之战。 撰文:Haotian 最近,...
With so many players entering the L2 race, how can World Chain achieve a win-win situation with Optimism Superchain?
选择 OP Stack,其实是 Worldcoin 的一个「捷径」。 编译: Jordan,PANews 经过在以太坊生态系统内的多次迁移...
OKX and HKUST Collaborate to Conduct Hong Kong’s First Zero-Knowledge Blockchain Technology Research
这项合作切合香港政府近年对Web3的重视,亦印证了OKX和科大在加快Web3创新和支持本地Web3生态圈发展方面的共同承诺。 ...