大白话讲解 Web3 钓鱼底层逻辑:授权钓鱼、Permit 与 Permit2 的区别
不玩了,把钱还我。 撰文:菠菜 明明只是签了个名,我的钱怎么没了呢??「签名钓鱼」目前正成为了 Web3 的黑客...
符文协议已上线,该 FOMO 还是看跌?
真正的机会是在符文协议发布后炒作降温之后。 撰文:Ignas 编译:小白导航coderworld 符文协议已经在4月20号启...
Huobi HTX Dubai Night was held grandly: Building an open and interconnected Web3 ecosystem
火币HTX此举彰显了其“聚焦重点,全球布局”的品牌战略,同时也展露出其希望引领行业革新的决心。 4月18日,由火...
The inspiration of ERC-404, the duality of image and currency, for the blockchain game track (Part 2)
404 是本轮牛市以来唯一一个我们感觉到眼前可以亮两下的创新。 撰文:瓜哥,W Labs 上篇 《「图币二象性」的 ER...
Rereading Martti's Satoshi emails: Bitcoin's early operations were a lot like a startup
加密史第一个暴富的「大学生」故事。 作者:OneKey 2009年,当时还在赫尔辛基理工大学读本科二年级的 Martti Mal...
Runes self-developed market is launched. How to explore the rune ecosystem in one stop through the OKX Web3 wallet?
OKX Web3 团队作为比特币生态发展的积极建设者,一直被比特币的起源及其极客精神所鼓舞,这也是他们能够在第一时间进场展开生态建设支持工作的核心原因。 ...
Analyzing the MATR1X treasure chest mechanism, can it break the death spiral of blockchain games?
宝箱盲盒机制本质上是提供了一个资产获取的随机通道,提供了异步的博弈空间,在博弈的过程中,从而让资产价格整体达到平衡。 ...
Bitcoin’s fourth halving: Inflation rate drops to half of gold, Bitcoin ecosystem rises
For the booming Bitcoin ecosystem, this halving may just be the beginning of its development. It is still in its early stages, with dozens of Bitcoin L2 competing to emerge. We are still early! ...
HTX is born, and Justin Sun introduces a governance system to the exchange for the first time
From public chains, AI to Meme, new currencies are all included, and the currency listing mechanism has been optimized. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Since becoming Huobi Global...
SynFutures potential airdrop value analysis and interaction strategy
"If the valuation is aligned with $AEVO, then it is calculated as 3 billion, and the airdrop is based on the ratio of 5% to 10%, which means there will be about 150 million to 300 million airdrops." 1. Project Introduction...