

“传统”加密市场不再有 500 倍的价格了,现在有一个更有趣的赌场。 撰文:Regan Bozman 编译:小白导航coderworld...

Viewpoint: Base up, BSC down

Aerdrome incentivizes ecological projects by bribing miners to form a flywheel effect. In contrast, similar products on BSC did not achieve similar results. Author: Capita...

Vitalik: Binius, efficient proofs for binary fields

Binius 是一种基于二进制字段的证明系统,旨在提高密码学证明的效率,特别是与 SNARK 和 STARK 相关的证明。 小白导航 ...

CNS mainnet launch, an important catalyst for Cardano ecosystem explosion

With the launch of the CNS mainnet on May 7, 2024, it is expected to usher in a new round of wealth effect for the Cardano ecosystem. “Cardano Connet (CNS) is Cardan...

dappOS: Building Windows for the Web3 Era

dappOS使得执行区块链任务变得像点击Windows系统中的图标一样简单。 作者:Biteye 核心贡献者 Fishery 编辑:Bit...

Arthur Hayes' latest article: BTC price fluctuates between $60,000 and $70,000 until August

五月买入,持币等待。 作者:Arthur Hayes 编译:GaryMa 吴说区块链 注:本文是在原文的基础上进行节选编译,可...

Interpretation of the Indian blockchain market: Investment activities are relatively sluggish, and tax reform is the most critical

印度区块链市场目前面临的最关键问题是需要进行全面的税收改革。 撰文:Ryan Yoon & Yoon Lee, Tiger Researc...

Turbos Finance: Technology first, ensuring DeFi happens in Sui

作为当前Move系最活跃的生态 Sui,同时借助技术创新和长期激励,老牌DeFi Turbos 也将在这一轮 Sui 浪潮中与生态并肩同行,将 Sui 打造为 DeFi 领域的第一梯...

The impact of Hong Kong crypto spot ETFs from a supply and demand perspective

但从中长期来看,香港加密ETF的实物申赎机制,也为加密资产借道转换成为传统金融资产提供了通路。 作者:Tom Anal...

In-depth analysis: The current situation and ambitions of Japan’s Web3 market

Gradually relaxed regulatory policies, the global positioning of Web3 project founders, and strong content intellectual property (IP) will promote the further development of Japan's Web3 market. ...
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