
Conversation with Keith Gill, the man behind the GameStop short squeeze: I support retail investors and their right to speak out

Keith Gill 带领一众粉丝推动了 GameStop 股价的狂飙。 撰文:Julia-Ambra Verlaine / Gunjan Banerji华尔街日报...

The revelation of the legendary GME stock trader Roaring Kitty: If you hold it, you must spare no effort to promote it and make good use of the media influence

也许这个 Meme 季会永无休止的循环下去。 撰文:cyclop 编译:小白导航coderworld 这是Roaring Kitty,有史以来...

Solana Meme collective enthusiasm on the other side: most will be crazy callback 70%, liquidity bottleneck has become the norm

相当多的Meme的ATH超过了1亿美元,但真正能够持续保持的很少。 撰文:Smolresearcharc (summer period) 编译:小...

The largest BTC ETF holder changed hands, betting $380 million

当前 BTC ETF 市场出现了正流入,打破了持续近一个月的连续流出。‍ 来源:bitcoinist 编译:区块链骑士 上周,...

Parallel EVM Rising Star Lumio: The White Knight of Ethereum's New Scalability Primitive

Lumio 的并行 EVM 实现方案是一种「胶水式」的工程思维解决方案。 撰文:NingNing 后坎昆升级时代,以太坊等效性...


简化用户在多条区块链上交互的技术,链抽象是否将成为加密货币流动性碎片化的最终解决方案? 撰文:IOSG Ventures...

OKX launches cryptocurrency exchange in Australia, offering spot and derivatives trading

OKX is an industry-leading virtual asset exchange and Web3 ecosystem. On May 14, 2024, OKX, a global leading Web3 technology company and virtual asset exchange, announced...

Stablecoins, the penultimate buyer of US Treasuries

最奇怪的意外后果。 撰文:Kunle 编译:小白导航coderworld 很久以前,我曾是一名债券和外汇交易员。在美国国债...

Notcoin, Binance's friendly signal to community coins

币安新一轮 Launchpool 项目 Notcoin,是币安的一次大胆尝试,是对社区币的友好信号。 撰文:日月小楚 币安新一...

The 2.0 Moment of Blockchain Interoperability: Chain Explosion and Chain Abstraction

对比三大链抽象解决方案的代表项目:NEAR、Particle 和 Polygon。 撰文:ZHIXIONG PAN 虽然这样说可能有些夸张...
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