From front-end to database: How does EthStorge help DAPP achieve true decentralization?
如何把 DAPP 前端、后端和数据都托管到以太坊上?EthStorage 提出了两大解决方案。 撰文:EthStorage 团队 摘要 ...
Scaling Bitcoin Together was successfully held! Continuing the inspiration and passion to explore the Bitcoin ecosystem
重点聚焦 Bitcoin 东西方对话、可扩展性、以及去中心化金融等关键主题,旨在为参会者提供一个深度洞察 Bitcoin 生态现状和未来发展的平台。 ...
Stacks Nakamoto upgrades, a butterfly ready to stand out
我们可以持续关注 Stacks,观察它能否真正成为比特币 L2,并以一个智能合约平台来有效的利用还在沉睡中的 BTC。 ...
Sunset Fork: BNB Chain Fusion Prelude
是时候小白导航更进一步,将信标链的功能迁移到 BSC,让信标链退休了。 概述 BNB信标链是由BNB Chain社区开发的...
BNB Chain Beacon Chain Migration Guide
BNB Chain Fusion是将BNB信标链的功能迁移到BNB智能链(BSC)并替代BNB信标链的战略转变。 BNB 信标链最初被设计...
Bitget Research Institute: Cryptocurrency market rebounds across the board, Blast airdrop confirmed on June 26
In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...
广东省高院“ 这种差价,不能赚”,买卖 USDT 定非法经营罪?
买卖 USDT 不构成非法经营罪。 撰文:朱勇 Andy 先说结论:我个人认为买卖 USDT 不等于变相买卖外汇,不构成非法...
Coinbase 月度展望:ETH 未来数月仍有潜力上涨
美国现货ETH ETF的存在只是时间问题,而非是否会实现的问题。 撰文:David Han 编译:小白导航coderworld 对ETH...
Tornado Cash developer sentenced, is “Code is speech” dead?
从法律上讲,Alexey Pertsev 的案件对 DeFi 的未来,比针对 SBF 和 Do Kwon 的欺诈案件或赵长鹏反洗钱违规更重要。 ...
ASIC chip creator: The next wave of Bitcoin mining opportunities is coming
Opportunities abound for enterprising mining and ASIC companies willing to forge a path in the energy and artificial intelligence sectors. Written by: Bitcoin Magazin...