Current status of Japan’s stablecoin market: regulation first, development to be initiated
尽管稳定币的监管框架已经建立超过一年,日元在稳定币市场中的份额仍然很小。 作者:Tiger Research Reports 编...
Dialogue with Qiao Wang: Reviewing the hot crypto trends on Token2049
Imran 和 Qiao 共同讨论了 Token2049 上的加密产品趋势,包括消费领域的代币化、社交网络和现实资产的应用,以及基础设施项目的兴起。 ...
Fortune: CZ was released early today, where will be his next stop?
47 岁的黄金年龄,开启人生第二幕。 作者:Fortune 编译:Azuma,Odaily星球日报 当地时间本周五,CZ 将在时隔...
Beyond short-term token speculation, which projects should we focus on that can generate sustained profits?
要实现持久成功,必须超越代币投机。 作者:Darshan Gandhi 编译:小白导航coderworld 引言 多年来,许多 Web3...
Decentralized content delivery network Mawari receives $10.8 million in strategic financing to advance spatial computing
Mawari 正在为去中心化的空间计算和沉浸式内容交付树立标准。 作者:Mawari 编译:小白导航coderworld Maw...
Crypto Morning News: CZ will be released early today, Robinhood is considering launching a stablecoin
uniBTC 漏洞致损失约 200 万美元,已暂停合约。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 昨日市场动态 《财富》:CZ 将于今...
Backed by BNB Chain, how does Flap reshape the Meme issuance mechanism?
展望未来,Flap有望在BNB Meme生态中占据不可或缺的地位。 从Solana起步的Meme热潮自2024年3月以来一直居高不下,...
Blum, TONX, and TON Society hosted "The Open Art" which attracted more than 10,000 participants and became the biggest event of Token2049 Week
超过 60 个 TON 生态合作项目和 35 位来自全球的讲者,齐聚新加坡国家美术馆,参与盛大的 Open Art 活动。 新加...
HTX DAO makes a grand appearance at Crypto Summit 2024: Strong presence in CIS region, promoting global expansion
未来HTX DAO将持续关注、布局CIS地区加密市场,加速其在全球范围内的扩张和成长。 9月25日-26日,HTX DAO独家赞助...
Trump’s love affair with Bitcoin
一文盘点特朗普对加密的态度转变。 撰文:火火,白话区块链 9 月 15 日,美国共和党总统候选人、前总统唐纳德...