Detailed explanation of Mango Network: Multi-VM full-chain infrastructure network competes for the new L1 track
As an innovative full-chain infrastructure network, Mango Network integrates the core advantages of OPStack technology and MoveVM to build an efficient blockchain network that supports cross-chain communication and multi-virtual machine interoperability. ...
Mendi Finance innovates cross-chain lending: unifying liquidity to address the challenges of L2 ecosystem fragmentation
Mendi Finance 的升级将创建首个统一的流动性借贷协议,重新定义跨链资产借贷的方式。 作者:Mendi Finance 编译...
OKX Star: The industry is about to enter the "crypto-finance stage"
"The 'X' in OKX represents infinite possibilities. We believe that cryptocurrency will sweep the world and self-custody is the future" - OKX CEO Star On October 10, 2024, OKX...
很多人在乎的不是中本聪而是…… 撰文:木沐 近日,全球知名的付费电视网 HBO 称将通过他们的纪录片来揭示比特币创...
游戏领域 ZKP 适合做哪些事? 撰文:Yooma 图片来源:https://unsplash.com/photos/people-inside-library-1mw...
TON Ecosystem User Growth Path: From Social Fission to Traffic Monetization
As the number of Telegram users continues to grow, traffic sales and joint operation incubation models show great potential in the Telegram + TON ecosystem.
A brief review of the first Bitcoin native stablecoin YU: Ethereum’s DAI moment?
Yala 是以原生 BTC 作为抵押品,通过超额抵押来生成可流通的稳定币 YU。 撰文:Hao小白导航tian 作为首个比特币...
Four reasons why Ethereum spot ETFs have performed poorly
ETH's market value is about $290 billion, and its valuation is higher than any bank in the world. Written by Tom Carreras and Benjamin Schiller Translated by:...
嘉信理财:60% 的千禧一代计划在一年内投资 Crypto
在接受调查的所有投资者中,Crypto 资产是第二大最受欢迎的资产类别。 小白导航 来源:cryptoslate 编译:区块链...
边缘 AI,2025 年核心技术叙事?
边缘 AI 正在通过将数据处理从中心化云服务器直接转移到本地设备,革新人工智能领域。 撰文:Advait Jayant、Matt...