
OKX Star: The industry is about to enter the "crypto-finance stage"

"The 'X' in OKX represents infinite possibilities. We believe that cryptocurrency will sweep the world and self-custody is the future" - OKX CEO Star On October 10, 2024, OKX...

Can zero-knowledge proof improve user experience by reducing the number of interactions between the full-chain game and the blockchain?

游戏领域 ZKP 适合做哪些事? 撰文:Yooma 图片来源:https://unsplash.com/photos/people-inside-library-1mw...

向张一鸣的「社交新品」取经,拆解 SocialFi 造血能力全链条

注重金融性忽视社交性 SocialFi 项目任重而道远。 撰文:Wenser,Odaily 星球日报 SocialFi 赛道能否摆脱「增长...

这届 AI 都会发 Meme 币了?速览 a16z 联创投钱,Bot 自己发的 Meme 币 GOAT

好 Meme,AI 造。 作者:小白导航 coderworld Meme 币已经卷到另一个新维度了。 今天最火的 Meme 币,叫做 $g...

NEAR on-chain data special: 30 million new users in the third quarter, total locked value reached 250 million US dollars

Consumer applications on NEAR continue to thrive, with daily active users growing to 3.1 million in the third quarter. Author: OurNetwork Compiler: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld ...

AI + Blockchain, how does Chainbase create a new data value ecosystem?

Chainbase 旨在实现链上数据访问的民主化,迄今为止,已处理了超过 5000 亿次数据调用,并为超过 20,000 名开发人员和 8,000 个项目提供支持。 ...

Consumer encryption is everywhere. Is it an emerging trend or just new wine in old bottles?

Despite rapid innovation in crypto technology, many products still fail to solve real consumer pain points or provide real entertainment value. Author: Ruthy Compiler: Xiaobai Navigation...

From ICO to community tokens, an overview of the evolution of cryptocurrency issuance

最佳回报通常出现在新兴趋势的初期。 作者:Ignas | DeFi Research 编译:小白导航coderworld 我开始对 Memecoi...

New Choice: OKX Announces Becoming the First Crypto Exchange to Receive Full UAE Operating License

全球链上科技公司 OKX 今天宣布,已正式在阿联酋上线并获得运营牌照。这意味着 OKX 成为首家在阿联酋为散户和机构客户提供 AED 银行服务的全球加密货币公司。...

Analyzing the economic value of cross-chain bridges: Cisco in the blockchain era?

跨链桥上的普通用户比 L2 上的更有价值。 撰文:Joel John 编译:Luffy,Foresight News 加密货币的杀手级应用...
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