Crypto Morning News: Pump.fun is testing the Swap function internally, Arthur Hayes said institutional arbitrage trading may cause Bitcoin to fall to $70,000
Ethereum Pectra upgrade was launched on the Holesky testnet, but failed to complete the final confirmation. Author: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Yesterday's Market Dynamics Ar...
加密世界的隐秘敌人,黑客安全事件正在偷走行业信心。 撰文:1912212.eth,Foresight News 加密行业一直以来以各...
HashKey Chain Web3 Voyage大会圆满落幕,开启技术革新与金融革命的交汇时刻
“Web3 Voyage”不仅是一场技术与理念的碰撞,更是一次跨界合作与共同探索的启航。 2025年2月20日,由HashKey Cha...
对话 KIP Protocol CEO:揭秘 Libra 项目多方关系网
KI小白导航P仅在2月13日被邀请加入该项目,并未从该项目中获利,但却被人为地推至前台。 作者:Weilin,PANews ...
JuCoin 交易所始终坚持“安全至上”的原则。 交易所的安全体系构建是一个复杂且持续演进的系统工程,需要多层次、纵...
Dragonfly 合伙人谈近期热点:Bybit 被黑、总统加密门、Meme 周期结束,监管利好或将带来市场转机
行业对名人代币的态度逐渐转向反感。 整理 & 编译:小白导航 coderworld 主持人: Haseeb Qureshi,Dr...
Industry security test: self-hosted wallets are the future of Web3
Web3 的未来,不是建立在信任中心化平台之上,而是建立在代码、透明度和用户主权之上。 算法洪流不停,安全事故...
被盗超 14 亿美元,为何 Bybit 三天渡过生死危机?
其透明的危机沟通平息了用户恐慌,行业协作展现了生态系统的韧性,市场的成熟度让投资者保持理性,而 Bybit 自身的财务实力则提供了坚实的缓冲。 ...
Don’t wait until you get hacked: A guide to Web3 security
You don't have to suffer the same loss as I did. Author: Ye Su After Bybit was stolen for 1.5 billion US dollars, the reputable Infini was hacked again. I was a few years ago...
From real-time data streaming to historical analysis, Solana on-chain analysis tools are all here
Step by step analysis of how to efficiently obtain and analyze Solana blockchain data. Author: Jack Stewart Compiler: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Introduction So...