Tags:make money

ZuConnect Innovation Journey: A Prelude to a Change of Mindset

How will we choose between openness and community quality? Written by: @ivyFanshao With the return of ZuConnect, I hear the prelude to a change in thinking. ZuConnect is...

Meng Yan: Web3 is leaving its wild growth and entering a colonial era of competition

In the next decade, Web3/Crypto world colonization will be the main storyline of the industry, and the industry narrative will undergo fundamental changes. The most significant innovation and wealth creation opportunities lie along this main line. ...

从 RWA 本质,看去中心化资产融资协议 Centrifuge

Centrifuge 是一个去中心化 RWA 资产融资协议,旨在将现实世界资产带到到链上。 撰文:Will 阿望 现实世界资产...

In the next ten years, there will be no second Binance in Crypto

15,000 words long article, understand Binance in the CZ era. Author: Ginger Lao Qin @ASuperGinger wrote a few words before the article. I decided to start writing this article...

Gala Games: Blockchain games are experiencing a second spring, how does GALA stand out?

The long-dormant blockchain game track is experiencing a revival. Can $Gala become a value investment target in GameFi? Introduction: The outstanding performance of Bigtime tokens after its launch...


文将从零知识证明的基础概念开始,由浅入深,对去中心化算力市场这条朝阳赛道的更多可能性进行多维度思考。 作者:...

RUNE and CACAO are in the spotlight. What are the sources of high income behind the agreement?

大部分是来自付费客户的费用,部分来自 RUNE 和 CACAO 的升值。 撰写:Joel Valenzuela 编译:小白导航 coderwor...

NFT & ERC-6551: A rising star shines again

本文将分析当下 NFT 市场概况,挖掘生态中的最新的发展,并探讨可能面临的挑战和未来前景。 撰文:Bing Ventures ...

The BTC ecosystem is full of FOMO. What are the differences between related derivative protocols?

Recognize the underlying evolution logic and potential risks of each narrative, see "clearly" before making a choice. Author: dt X Haotian With the market driven by Bitcoin spot ETF...

OKX 独家上线收益猎手,加密期权用户或迎来大规模增长

OKX收益猎手就像理财产品一样简单,以后用户可以轻松参与期权。 对于大部分用户而言,期权产品理解困难、再好也...
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