Tags:make money
SBF speaks out again on the eve of SOL unlocking: "All for $3" four years ago, now it is a completely different world
Solana may prosper or decline in the future, but it will not be related to just one person. The crypto world does not need an emperor. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation...
Globalization and compliance first, Backpack creates a breakthrough for all-round financial CEX
Backpack's goal is not just to build a better cryptocurrency institution, but to build a new and better financial institution. Author: Logan Ja...
Metis ReGenesis:重塑以太坊生态,共同迎接 AI 时代
Metis 发布社区公开信:将整合人工智能技术,推出 ReGenesis 计划。 致 Metis 社群成员: 在这个快速变化的周期...
Dragonfly 合伙人谈近期热点:Bybit 被黑、总统加密门、Meme 周期结束,监管利好或将带来市场转机
行业对名人代币的态度逐渐转向反感。 整理 & 编译:小白导航 coderworld 主持人: Haseeb Qureshi,Dr...
Web3 行业找工作,应当关注的法律风险
高薪与自由的背后,需要你睁大眼睛去分辨项目的风险。 撰文:牛小静 或许,不少人曾梦想过拥有这样一份工作: ...
Crypto Morning News: Trump's eldest son will give a speech at DeFi World 2025 this Wednesday, Kanye West denies selling X account to Bark
Many important officials of the Federal Reserve will speak intensively this week, and the market is paying attention to the core PCE price index. Author: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Yesterday's market dynamics...
Web3 community building under the wave of crypto right
From early technological idealism to today's financialization and capital centralization, the Web3 community is undergoing a profound shift from "left" to "right". Produced by: Web3Fut...
DeFAI 赛道的下一匹黑马:SynFutures 如何用 AI 颠覆 DeFi ?
本文将深入探讨 SynFutures 的 DeFAI 路线图。 作者:Biteye 核心贡献者 Viee 随着 AI Agent 爆火,DeFi 和 AI ...
对话风无向:月入千万,撸毛与 MEME 双赛道的“掘金秘诀”
风神说,想要成功,就要持续勤奋的做正ev的事。 从撸毛起步,再到 MEME 赛道,一路斩获多个单项目获利超千万。 ...
「9块9」 的中国 AI 耳机,疯狂收割老外
我们仍然低估了人类对交流的需求。 图片来源:由无界AI生成 接了 AI,带有翻译功能的蓝牙耳机,在美国彻底卖爆...