NewDelphi Digital Research Report: KGeN’s “Proof of Player” Redefines Game Incentives and Player Growth
KGeN 验证用户质量的能力,使其成为合作伙伴的重要竞争优势。 作者:Delphi Digital 编译:小白导航 coderworld ...
NewSuccinct, which has raised 55 million yuan in financing: Building a decentralized prover network, how to participate in the test network and earn rewards?
Succinct 的愿景是让任何人都能成为证明者,利用自己的计算资源为区块链世界提供验证服务。 作者:人在币圈 目前...
NewMonad testnet is now live, here is the easiest interactive guide
领水、交互、体验项目一文全解。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 昨日,Monad 测试网终于官宣正式上线,测试网功能...
NewA must-read crypto marketing guide for founders: From the user's perspective, value output is better than advertising bombardment
成为优秀的创始人需要付出巨大的努力,没有捷径可走。 作者:Jim 编译:小白导航 coderworld 想想你上次看到...
NewVitalik Chinese Dialogue Community: Ethereum needs new stories and new users, EF is undergoing internal reforms
如果基金会消失了,链能活下去吗?只有比特币和以太坊能很明确回答:当然能。 整理:BlockBeats 2 月 19 日晚,...
NewThe National Style Four Seasons Stage presents 30+ theme forums, and more traditional cultural experiences are available at the 2025 Hong Kong Web3 Carnival
本届嘉年华以四季为脉络,通过中国传统诗词意象诠释Web3精神的东方哲学内核,展现出技术与小白导航人文交融的独特叙事。 ...
NewGold Rush Manual: Tianwang Public Chain Monad Online Test Network, Quick Look Interactive Guide
除了参与测试网交互,帮助 Monad 写部分教程、提交 bug 或建设性意见、帮助其做本地化推广等,也有一定概率获得官方奖励。 ...
NewNew $BROCCOLI: 50M in half an hour, reviewing the "Broccoli War" caused by donations
搞 Meme 还得是慈善,搞 BSC 还得是 CZ。 作者:Penny 2 月 18 日下午,原本已经有些沉寂的「CZ 的狗」叙事突然...
NewThe world's largest open source video model is now created in China, produced by Jieyue
未来的AI大模型世界,中国力量绝不缺席,也绝不落于人后。 作者:衡宇 发自 凹非寺 图片来源:由无界AI生成 ...
NewFormer OpenAI CTO's new company officially announced that it has recruited a large number of ChatGPT core members
北大校友加盟,创业阵容超豪华 靴子落地,OpenAI 前 CTO Mira Murati 创业公司正式官宣。 新公司 Thinking Machi...