
FOCG: Starting a decentralized revolution in the gaming world

Compared with traditional games, full-chain games can achieve higher openness, decentralization and durability. Author: dt, DODOResearch Full-chain games have always been the original...

Atomicals ecosystem is generally rising, what new developments are behind it?

创始人的罕见露面及新规频出,让社区对 Atomicals 持有更高期待。 撰文:Sharon 12 月 14 日上午,据 Atomicals ...

Who caused ORDI's "roller coaster" market? It turns out that the chips are in the hands of the exchange

本文将带你揭秘 ORDI 出现「过山车」行情的两大原因,及其后续的市场情况分析。 撰文:Metaer,Meta Era 特邀作者...

解读 io.net:Solana 上的 DePIN 新星,重构 GPU 资源利用模式

io.net不仅是一个技术创新的范例,也是区块链应用于现实世界问题的一个典范。 撰文:Revelo Intel 编译:小白导...

Making Binance: Extreme Efficiency and Simple Tools

从 0 到 3 万亿美元,你所需要的也许仅仅是 Telegram 群聊和谷歌文档。 撰文:汉洋,《晚点聊 LateTalk》主播,X@...

Veda protocol postponed indefinitely: Ordinals "vulnerability" incident sparks controversy in Bitcoin community

小白导航 社区投票的可能方向似乎更倾向于支持Ordinals,分叉的可能性也相对较小。 12月10日,Ordin...

Weekly Project Selection: Taking stock of 9 projects worthy of attention

本期每周精选时间跨度为12月1日到12月15日,共计9个项目。 本文是TrendX研究院每周项目精选的文字版。本期每周精...

解读 Vitalik 博客文章:探索让以太坊内置 ZK-EVM 的可能

以太坊或许之后不只是将ZK-EVM作为一个附加组件来看待。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 昨天,Vitalik 在他的博客中...

DeSci 赛道现状及未来前景

DeSci的发展集中在改进同行评审、资金赞助、知识产权管理,以及提高数据透明度和审查。 TL;DR DeSci与Web3和区块...

Dialogue with Web3's Excellent Security Service Provider: The "Battle of Attack and Defense" of Cloud Security

As we approach the end of 2023, the bull market signals are becoming clearer, the number of Web3 projects deploying cloud servers will increase rapidly, and the role of cloud as the infrastructure layer will become increasingly important. ...
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