
Bitget Research Institute: Bitcoin briefly fell below $69,000, while TON ecosystem currencies remained strong

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...

AI node pre-sale is hot, an article explains the pledge public chain ALIENX with a total financing of US$17 million

AlienSwap 与 Arbitrum 合作推出 AI Node 驱动的高性能质押链,旨在实现 NFT 和游戏的大规模应用。 撰文:南枳,O...

The Intrinsic Logic of Web3 Digital Luxury

Web3 数字奢侈品价值不仅来源于创作者,而且更多地来源于持有者。 撰文:pet3rpan@1kx 翻译:MetaCat Crypto ...

With $225 million in funding, can Monad, the "king of parallelism", lead the L1 expansion narrative?

测试网虽未上线,但当下已有空投埋伏策略。 撰文:Azuma,Odaily 星球日报 北京时间 4 月 9 日晚间,Monad Labs ...


比特币减半提高了比特币的知名度和采用率,也促进了与区块链技术、比特币网络动态和加密资产相关的讨论。 撰文:B...

TRON x HTX DAO 2024 Hong Kong Night: Building a Hong Kong Metaverse Financial Free Port

HTX DAO、波场TRON作为行业头部机构,期待为更多Web3参与者和创业者提供交流与合作的平台,持续探索香港在加密领域的创新和突破,为全球加密市场的繁荣与发展...

SharkTeam: Web3 Security Report for the First Quarter of 2024

In the first quarter of 2024, hacker attacks, Rugpull scams, phishing attacks and other malicious activities caused a total loss of US$462 million, an increase of approximately 20.63% compared with the first quarter of 2023 (approximately US$383 million). ...

借助以太坊的权益再质押热潮,PENDLE 大幅上涨

PENDLE 最近的激增使其成为去中心化金融领域最大的收益平台。 撰文:Anthony Lehrman 翻译:白话区块链 收益交...

TON is rising rapidly as it enters the top ten cryptocurrencies

两个月以来,Telegram 与 TON 基金会接连助力 TON 上涨超 300%。 小白导航 撰文:Sherl 今日,TON 24 小时涨超 25...

Jupiter: Solana Chain Aggregation Liquidity and DEX Innovation Leader

Jupiter 是 Solana 区块链上的去中心化交易所 (DEX) 聚合器,旨在彻底改变 DeFi 的可访问性和用户体验。 撰文:茶...
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