
SBF speaks out again on the eve of SOL unlocking: "All for $3" four years ago, now it is a completely different world

Solana may prosper or decline in the future, but it will not be related to just one person. The crypto world does not need an emperor. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation...

Crypto Morning News: Pump.fun is testing the Swap function internally, Arthur Hayes said institutional arbitrage trading may cause Bitcoin to fall to $70,000

Ethereum Pectra upgrade was launched on the Holesky testnet, but failed to complete the final confirmation. Author: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Yesterday's Market Dynamics Ar...

Dimensions of crypto market demand: attention, adoption and liquidity

There is no magic, the only factor that distinguishes quality and ultimately determines success is demand. Written by: Andrey Didovskiy Translated by: Vernacular blockchain has...

Metis ReGenesis:重塑以太坊生态,共同迎接 AI 时代

Metis 发布社区公开信:将整合人工智能技术,推出 ReGenesis 计划。 致 Metis 社群成员: 在这个快速变化的周期...

超越比特币,BNB 何以成为加密市场的隐形赢家?

本文将从资产价值的逻辑再次认识BNB,展现价格增长背后的底层逻辑。 作者:Linda郑郑(@lindazhengzheng)、Jessi...

百度 AI 再陷“围城”

时隔十年,百度再次面临同样的问题。 作者:许俏美,产业科技 图片来源:由无界AI生成 ALL in AI的百度,正在...


后浪凶猛进化,前浪披荆斩棘。 作者:关键帧 图片来源:由无界AI生成 AI竞技场正静静见证着一场深刻的技术权...


加密世界的隐秘敌人,黑客安全事件正在偷走行业信心。 撰文:1912212.eth,Foresight News 加密行业一直以来以各...

对话 KIP Protocol CEO:揭秘 Libra 项目多方关系网

KI小白导航P仅在2月13日被邀请加入该项目,并未从该项目中获利,但却被人为地推至前台。 作者:Weilin,PANews ...


JuCoin 交易所始终坚持“安全至上”的原则。 交易所的安全体系构建是一个复杂且持续演进的系统工程,需要多层次、纵...
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