
VC 币与 Meme 不是非此即彼,都参与但不要对任何一个执着

参与两者,但不要对任何代币产生情感依赖。 作者:hitesh.eth 编译:小白导航coderworld 我对这两方面都没有...

Crypto investing rules: Patience or quick profits?

盈利性交易有时能更快产生回报,内部收益率 (IRR) 也可能高于耐久性交易。 作者:Social Graph Ventures 编译:...

Movement Ecosystem Hackathon Concludes, Here’s a Quick Look at the Details of 10 Winning Projects

本次的获奖项目涵盖了从基础设施到应用层面多个关键领域。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 作为又一个被市场冠以“...

Meme “耶稣” 的困境:Murad 效应、狂热团体与信仰币的趋势

接下来的三到四个月内,AI 信仰币会崛起。 作者:goodalexander 编译:小白导航coderworld 市场现状与 Murad 的...

OKX Friends Episode 02|Dialogue with independent researcher Chen Jian: Experience sharing and industry insights from cross-border technology experts

《OKX的朋友们系列》旨在通过挖掘不同背景的 KOL 从业故事、行业思考与经验教训,供新手用户学习参考。 嘉宾寄语...

Airdrop points are no longer effective, where will the next token issuance hotspot be?

高 FDV 代币的推出给新买家留下的空间很小,标志着积分机制的衰落。 作者:Ignas | DeFi 编译:小白导航coderwor...

Crypto Morning News: ARB, AXS and other tokens are scheduled to be unlocked this week, and the search volume for "Bitcoin" has fallen to the lowest level this year

「Bitcoin」搜索量跌至年内最低,而「Memecoin」搜索量激增. 作者:小白导航 coderworld 昨日市场动态 SpaceX ...

Four Pillars Research Report: Penetrating the past and present of re-staking, and comprehensively understanding the current ecology and innovation

Restaking redefines blockchain security. Author: Ingeun Compiler: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Key Points Restaking is a mechanism that allows...

Real-life fight in the cryptocurrency world: Bankless founder beats up Synthetix founder

Su Zhu也曾被约架,但没(敢)去。 作者:Azuma,Odaily星球日报 当地时间 10 月 11 日(北京时间 10 月 12 日...

Crypto Morning News: Grayscale releases a list of assets to be considered for inclusion in future investment products, Arkham to launch crypto derivatives exchange

Monad Madness will be held in Bangkok on November 16-17. The application link is now open and will last for two weeks. Author: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Yesterday...
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