
Why is the new narrative "intention" expected to change blockchain and Web3?

本文将带您了解「意图」,以及分享几个具有潜力的亮点项目。 撰文:veDAO 研究院 Web3 又一新概念「意图」由 Par...

T2T2 product analysis: How to create a Token flywheel through decentralized copy trading?

T2T2 让普通用户除了能跟单外,有额外的套利补贴和分享整个系统的通胀收益。 11月7日,T2T2去中心化跟单产品正式...

Satoshi Nakamoto: Bitcoin network and BitDNS share CPU and the future of computing power

BitDNS和比特币可以分别使用,用户不需要下载全部内容才能使用其中之一。 我找到了中本聪发表的有关 BitDNS 的所...

M6 Labs Market Watch: Is the biggest bull market in history about to begin?

现货交易并不是唯一一种最近取得成功的加密货币交易方法。 撰写:Kadeem Clarke 编译:小白导航 coderworld 加...

In the crypto boom, which US stock companies are expected to be winners?

如果市场逐步摆脱泡沫后期,能留下的真实价值是什么? 作者:RockFlow 划重点 ① Coinbase 在错综复杂的加密世界...

The "skeptical" bull market has arrived, how to prepare yourself to control the narrative?

牛市比你想象的要“疯狂”。 撰写:IGNAS | DEFI RESEARCH 编译:小白导航 coderworld 没那么快:这是新牛市的...

Crypto capital flows: How to use data tools to identify real transaction trends?

不解决「未知地址属于谁」的问题,就永远会被表面信息误导。 “2905 BTC 从未知地址转向币安” “15000 ETH 从 Coi...

DYDX 估值报告:解锁恐慌与数据真相

本文将结合代币解锁情况和 v4 版本特性,对 dYdX 进行估值分析。 1. 前言 在上篇报告《dYdX v4:经济模型的改善...

In-depth analysis of dappOS: Unique positioning with "intention-centered" as the core, helping to build a seamlessly connected Web3

Using dappOS to access different Web3 applications is as convenient as calling mini-programs on WeChat. You only need a wallet account on one chain to access applications on various chains. ...

A must-have for scientists who want to prevent witches from getting airdrops: Analysis of the multi-address recharge function of top CEXs Binance, OKX, and Bitget

This article will explain in detail the advantages and usage of multi-address deposits, and teach you how to get the airdrop correctly. Author: Luojia Micro Celestia (TIA) airdropped on 1...
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