Bluzelle price trend and large investors’ positions: analysis of the impact of short-term capital flows
Bluzelle 是一个比较老的项目,开发进展较为缓慢,近期无重大基本面变化。 撰文:Jill,LD Capital 一、项目简介...
The history of Bitcoin hard forks: both division and growth
Hard fork is a kind of split, but split is also a kind of growth, seeking opportunities from different paths. Written by: ZT From the high of $69,000, the entire cryptocurrency...
MakerDAO’s future belongs to Cosmos, not Solana?
If more developers realize the synergies between these networks, we may see a wave of innovative, Cosmos-based applications emerge that will use Ethereum as a window to interact with users. ...
RWA New Path: KUMA's Bond NFT and Stablecoin Hybrid Experiment
Improving liquidity on the chain and improving security and efficiency off the chain are the only way to build the next RWA New York Stock Exchange. On September 7, 2023, the stablecoin issuer Ci...
TOKEN2049 Singapore:吸引超过 10000 名参与者,创参会者和赞助商数量新纪录
TOKEN2049由传统金融和银行业、数字资产、人工智能和Web3领域的行业先驱主导,已经巩固了其作为该行业最受期待的年度活动的地位。 ...
TaxDAO’s response to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee’s question on the taxation of digital assets
A loose and flexible tax policy will be conducive to the growth of the industry. While tax supervision of digital asset transactions is being carried out, it is necessary to take into account the simplicity and convenience of tax operations. 2...