
5 Profit Opportunities This Week: Solayer, Mantra, Factor, Camlot & Beefy

This week's profit opportunity recommendation. Author: hangry Translator: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Hello everyone, humble farmers! Are you tired of the market...

Regulation and trust, the cloud of doubt hanging over WBTC

In the world of crypto and DeFi, custody is critical. Author: Chaos Labs Compiler: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Since BitGo announced that it will...

The challenges and dilemmas of technology giants and AI agent innovators

通过应用区块链技术和智能合约,加密人工智能代理能够提供比中心化系统更高的透明度和安全性。 撰文:IOSG Ventur...

从公链生态到「Solana 互联网」:Blinks 技术如何改变加密游戏规则?

本文深入剖析了 Solana Actions 与 Blinks 技术的内在联系及其在多个场景下的应用潜力。 撰文:Shigeru,CGV FOF ...

A survey of the Chinese crypto market: from trading habits, MBTI to popular tracks, restoring the real Chinese crypto community

你了解真实的华语币圈用户么? 总述 你了解真实的华语币圈用户么? 华语用户一直是加密市场不容置喙的中坚力...

1 美元的迷思:稳定币难逃挤兑魔咒?

传统银行业的魔力在于:银行账户里的 1 美元,就是实实在在的 1 美元。然而,稳定币却放弃了这种魔力。 撰文:Mat...

WBTC FUD 背后,1.2 万亿比特币流动性如何安全解锁?

Who can bring BTC into DeFi and release trillions of liquidity? Written by: Terry Have you heard of WBTC? Those who have experienced the DeFi Summer must be familiar with...

速览 ETHGlobal Superhack 8 个获胜项目

Superhack 从 8 月 2 日持续至 16 日,总奖金 20 万美元。 撰文:Pzai,Foresight News ETHGlobal 举办的为期两...

Arthur Hayes:Ordinals 项目「傻瓜头」不是无聊的老套路

这不是简单地在比特币上发行 NFT,而是一个完全不同的东西小白导航,它关注的是比特币用户真正关心的事。 撰文:A...

Türkiye's crypto market under policy guidance: annual trading volume of $170 billion, license applications surge to 76

近年来,土耳其的加密货币市场正在迅速走向全球化,从一个区域性市场成长为全球加密行业的重要组成部分。 撰文:A...
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