How effective is the massive ATOM revival plan?
Cosmos' vision and many measures are very advanced, but it must be said that it is indeed slow. Written by: Tia, Techub News Although Cosmos has been deeply involved in governance recently...
ServerFi: Is it the future evolution of GameFi or a new round of false proposition?
GameFi的重点在于可玩性而不是投机性,不是与Earn博弈。 作者:YBB Capital Researcher Ac-Core TL;DR ● GameFi...
Throwing money around does not equal growth. What does Arbitrum’s 85 million ecological incentive plan bring?
供给方激励等同于烧钱。 作者:Kerman Kohli 编译:小白导航coderworld 想象一下,如果你是一家企业,推出一...
Exclusive interview with Vitalik Buterin, the man behind Ethereum: Discussing cryptocurrency and the US crackdown
在 Vitalik 身上,加密世界不是仅有炒作和投机,更是可以做出有意义的事情。 撰文:MacKenzie Sigalos 编译:Els...
深度解读:Ethereum、Solana 和 Tron 三大公链的收入可持续性
本报告将深入剖析以太坊、Solana和波场的收入构成,探讨其长期发展潜力和收入可持续性。 作者:Frontier Lab 引...
Dialogue with the founders of MegaETH and Monad: Reshaping the future of Ethereum (full version)
本期播客将讨论以太坊虚拟机 (EVM),特别是 Mega ETH 和 Monad 如何计划让以太坊变得更加快速。 整理 & 编译...
BACKED VC: We need more apps
我们正处于“我们建造了一堆没有车的高速公路”的境地。 作者:Henry Ang 编译:小白导航coderworld 今年对加密货...
拥抱向基本面的转变。 作者:Crypto, Distilled 编译:小白导航coderworld 加密货币的演变 牛市和熊市已成为历...
当我们对「公共物品」有了更清晰的理解与共识,我们也会更加了解要一起去哪儿,又该如何行动。 撰文:跳 编辑 &a...
A Deep Dive into Maker, the World’s First Unbiased Global Financial System
Maker 是由 Rune Christensen 创立的去中心化稳定币协议,随着现实资产的代币化和机构化发展,已成为以太坊 DeFi 领域的巨头,尽管复杂但具备抗脆弱性和可观...