How does Arbitrum reverse the decline of its token?
Arbitrum 仍然是 L2 王冠的竞争者吗? 撰写:BEN LILLY 编译:小白导航 coderworld 早在 3 月份时,我就表示...
Token2049 Practical Speech: Challenges and Opportunities of Mass Adoption of Crypto Wallets
抽象账户允许功能和合约的模块化,以进一步实现差异化和定制化。 作者:imToken 首席科学家 Chang-Wu Chen 大...
Huobi HTX 10th Anniversary: Special Events Launched in Multiple Business Sectors
Token2049 Observations: Rise in the East and Decline in the West, Industry Gossip and Business of Organizing Conferences
Token2049 主办方究竟赚了多少钱? 撰文:小明是 00 后,小白导航 coderworld 创始人 Token2049 新加坡结束了...
Bitget Research Weekly News: Traditional financial giant Franklin applies for spot BTC ETF, FTX receives court approval to liquidate crypto assets
Focus on the chain data and review the weekly news. In the past week (09.04-09.08), many new hot currencies and topics appeared in the market. 1. Market FocusMarke...
Token 2049 Conference Highlights: Bear Market is a Good Time to Launch Crypto Projects
CZ:加密货币不需要100%的普及。 作者|链得得 为期两天的“新加坡Token2049大会”于2023年9月13日正式拉开帷幕。在...
HTX, Huobi warms up for the next decade
Now, at the beginning of another decade, Huobi HTX is warming up for the next decade with a brand upgrade. From its inception in 2013 to becoming the largest Chinese market share in 2017...
Ten thousand words to reveal how SBF’s elite parents helped him build a crypto empire?
万丈高楼平地起,FTX的成功并非一人之功,父母均为斯坦福大学著名学者的背景,为SBF敞开了大门,并为公司带来了光环效应。 ...
Bluzelle price trend and large investors’ positions: analysis of the impact of short-term capital flows
Bluzelle 是一个比较老的项目,开发进展较为缓慢,近期无重大基本面变化。 撰文:Jill,LD Capital 一、项目简介...
KuCoin: Self-regulation will lead to sustainable development
KuCoin一直将用户的资产安全和安全性作为首要任务。 KuCoin的董事总经理Alicia参加了TOKEN2049小组讨论,并讨论了...