
An open letter from Bitget CEO: Three stories of Bitget’s “growth against the trend”

我们的成就离不开 1,500 名 Bitget 团队成员,因此在这特殊的六周年纪念日,我想分享一些他们的故事。 几周前,...

加密早报:美联储大幅降息 50 个基点,Aleo 主网正式上线

比特币主导地位创下三年新高,市值占加密市场总额 58.47%。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 昨日市场动态 美联储大...

Swap to the Future: OKX and Uniswap explore the future of CeFi and DeFi

在监管合规方面,Uniswap 和 OKX 均表示,创新与合规并不冲突。 2024年9月17日,由 OKX Wallet 和 Uniswap Labs ...

DeFi project World Liberty Financial: Supported by the Trump family and crypto people, more than 60% governance tokens are available for sale to the public

DeFi 借贷项目 World Liberty Financial 正式上线,将受 SEC 监管。 撰文:Chloe,PANews 上月开始,美国前总统...

Assassination crisis is not over, Trump's encryption project is suspected of touching the regulatory "red line"

特朗普家族的几位成员都参与了该项目,特朗普本人担任「首席加密货币倡导者」一职。 撰文:David Yaffe-Bellany、...

BTCFi has received a lukewarm response, is it overvalued?

Babylon 的可持续生息叙事逻辑成立吗? 撰文:Haotian 距离 @babylonlabs_io 主网上线已有近 1 个月,不过预期中...

OKX Token2049 速递:首席营销官 Haider 揭秘 OKX 钱包全新升级的五个关键细节

OKX 揭晓了改版本后的钱包产品,这次的改进小白导航主要包括全新界面、扩展的代币发现功能,支持数百万种加密货币和收藏品,以及支持访问超100+公链和数千个 ...

Bitget Research Institute: Bitcoin ETF has accumulated $480 million inflows in the past four days, and the Meme sector has taken the lead in sustained rebound

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...

Vitalik 2049 speech full text: Ethereum needs to maintain open source and decentralized values while meeting demand

我们在加密被使用的早期阶段。 整理:BlockBeats 以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 在参与 TOKEN2049 主会场首...

Stop pretending the airdrop worked

是时候应该专注于构建能够确保用户和开发者忠诚度的长期、价值驱动的模式了。 撰文:ANDREW REDDEN 编译:zhouzh...
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