In the blink of an eye, Solana Blink has started the trend of consumer-grade crypto applications
稍不留神,你可能就错过了整个比赛。 小白导航作者:kel xyz 编译:小白导航coderworld “开启市场潜力。” —...
The first TONFi Layer 2 project DuckChain is launched, innovatively introducing Telegram Star to pay gas fees
DuckChain 致力于解决 TON 生态中开发框架复杂、生态流动性孤立等问题。 近期,币安频繁上线TON生态项目,如Notco...
Finding angles and playing conspiracies, crazy Ethereum MEME week, who is the winner in the end?
市场又瞒着我偷偷进化了? 过去一周,ETH 主网的链上行情已经不能用简单的“热闹”来形容了,老鲍一句降息让本就...
Farcaster Who's Who
20 must-follow celebrities, 15 active Chinese users, 20 developers/technical experts, 35 founders/investors/professional managers, 25 lifestyle bloggers/artists. ...
A look at the Bitcoin Layer 2 landscape: Sidechains and Rollups become mainstream, and top projects easily attract tens of millions of dollars
根据 l2.watch 的统计,目前有超过 80 个专注于比特币扩容的 Layer2。 撰文:Weilin,PANews 比特币 Layer2 是为...
Aleo mainnet launch: what happened? Miners say they were cheated
主网上线后 Aleo 却未能获得社区的认可,反而在社交媒体上充斥着大量质疑,尤其是来自矿工的声讨。 撰文:Frank,...
Blockworks 2049 News: The Asian crypto market is exploding
Jason 和 Santi 深入探讨了亚洲加密货币交易所的惊人规模、产生收益的稳定币的出现,以及亚洲和西方用户采用率的鲜明对比。 ...
Dive into Soneium and learn about Sony’s entire plan to enter Web3
Soneium 的愿景是构建一个跨越文化和地域界限的开放互联网,促进无限制的创新。 作者:insights4.vc 编译:小白...
Focusing on consumer applications, a quick look at the 10 projects shortlisted for the ETHGlobal Singapore finals
Covering payment, smart WIFI, footprint management, etc. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld The market is picking up, and it is time to pay attention to new projects and trends. ...
Experience upgrade: Understand the 12 highlights of OKX Web3 wallet "Discover" section in one article
一站式探索链上DApp,从OKX Web3钱包「发现」开始。 OKX Web3 「发现」板块带来的集成式体验,为用户提供了无缝的...